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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. N

    Nervous about starting methotrexate! HELP?

    Don't worry about the air should be using a small needle (less than 1/2 inch) and just goes into tissue NOT a vein!
  2. N

    Great Resource for the most FAQs on IBD

    University of Michigan Health System has just put up on their WEB SITE and on You Tube, a ten part video series on Crohns and colitis. Created by nationally known research and GI doctors from the U of M Hospital. Each short program has been created to answer patients most frequently asked...
  3. N

    Nervous about starting methotrexate! HELP?

    Since starting on Methotrixate, my life long Crohns disease has been put in remission. Plus it is so simple to take with a little sub -cu needle that you can't even feel! The med dose not burn or give any other daily side effects. It has been the first medication that works beyond prednisone...