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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. H

    New to this forum...LDN questions

    She is 11 and fortunately it is not severe. She had textbook symptoms and was admitted to the hospital within 2 days of finally seeing a specialist. Had a colonoscopy and we had a dx. Her doc said the colonoscopy pics look borderline moderate to severe. He wanted to jump on it with Remicade...
  2. H

    New to this forum...LDN questions

    Removed link until you have some more posts under your belt
  3. H

    New to this forum...LDN questions

    Hello everyone, My daughter was dx with lower GI Crohn's June 2010. She has been on imuran since then with the occasional flare tx with steroids. Her dr is constantly mentioning Remicade. She is in a bad flare right now and we are doing Prometheus test to find her imuran levels/toxicity. I...