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Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

  1. R

    My story

    Hi Tamara I'm a neighbour to you in NZ.I have only recently joined too. There is a large amount of info here and support. Sounds like you have been through the mill alot and hope you start feeling better soon. I am in limbo at mo as in the undiagnosed club. What the care over there in OZ? Am...
  2. R

    Looking for support

    Thanks for your posts. Just an update............found out the pillcam is so expensive and I am not able to use health insurance for this, so will have to wait on public. I have so many questions that am waiting for the GI specialist to phone me. Feeling better past few days, no pain.
  3. R

    Looking for support

    Hi Thanks for the support. Interesting to read the link about stress. I have had a lot of stress with work plus trying my best to manage a teen with type 1 diabetes ( it so hard at times) and plus have just lived through 2 years of earthquakes. I live in christchurch, NZ. One lady I work with...
  4. R

    Looking for support

    Thanks David. I suppose the capsule thing has been suggested to see if there's anymore in my small bowel I think. Hope to find out soon one way or another whats going on. BTW great to have found this site!
  5. R

    Looking for support

    Hi Am new to all this , especially as this is the first ever forum I have joined. Well am 45yrs old and the last few months I developed a gastric bug causing really horrendous diarrhoea and abdo pain causing me to have a trip to hospital with a possible bowel obstruction. It was really painful...