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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. O

    Unsure what i have

    I wish I knew what foods are causing my discomfort or is ot the amount of food..How long roughly does it take your food to enter the small intestine after consuming it??
  2. O

    Unsure what i have

  3. O

    Unsure what i have

    My CT scan came back clear and also the colonoscopy only reported vistual hypertension and the consultant ordered a mri and a endoscopy of which im still waiting for the results, This morning i had a very dark charcoal coloured poo and am really suffering with bad back and when i have a BM i...
  4. O

    Unsure what i have

    co codamol and ibuprofen im taking is there anything else that will help my stomach discomfort?
  5. O

    Unsure what i have

    I'm 37 on Wednesday, she mentioned pernicious anaemia but no further tests were being done until i went back and asked about my gastro referral then she submitted it , she had me down to have a follow up appointment in august for bloods to check my b12 !! and that it. dunno how long i can carry...
  6. O

    Unsure what i have

    Trying to book tests but hospitals are as usual busy so i guess ill have to wait in pain for a few weeks, my gp had stopped investigating as found the b12 at 114 and that was her conclusion to my problems lol
  7. O

    Unsure what i have

    In November i had a what the doctor thought was a urine infection so i was treated with antibiotics, the symptoms i had was cramping abdominal pain and the feeling of needing to go toilet both ends, this didn't clear up and the doctor tried some more antibiotics which still didn't relive the...