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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. C

    Please Welcome 8belles!!

    I posted your story here 8belles! Hi! Thanks for the welcome! My journey with IBD began in 1994. I was very pregnant at the time and began to have rectal bleeding. My doctor was, in hindsight, very lame and he told me that I was pregnant so I should expect weird things. He then gave me a tube...
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    Azathioprine - Dose Increased

    Hi Yvette, it seems you are on mild meds and you sound more like mod to severe. People vomit when there is a partical obstruction. You could have some narrowing. My suggestion is to get a colonscopy or a small bowel follow through which ever is quicker to get an appt for. Stick to fluids...
  3. C

    Guess where I am!

    Ran away from hom did ya?? Wrong place to go to!!! You must of been scared, but please look after yourself and keep us posted ok? Hugs!!!!xxx
  4. C

    New to forum and have doctor question

    Go to the top of this page and click on Doctor directory and go from there, many in the US.
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    New to forum and have doctor question

    :welcome: there are some posts with doctors in the states. Uc or CD doesnt matter, both are to be seen by a Gi. Better than an internist. What state are you looking for?
  6. C

    Do Many of you with Crohns get UTI's, Yeast Infections, and other Infections often?

    I am on flagyl one pill a day, yes very unusual but I am a complexed case. I do get yeast infections from time to time. I find if you reduce your sugar intake it will stop feeding the yeast. I get bladder infections but they are from kidney stones developing which I have had about 6 so far...
  7. C

    Daughter has crohns

    Hi there :welcome: I am so sorry your daughter is suffering, no young person should have to deal with this but the 20's are the highest incidence rate. Many people have to take iron or the injections. I would also suggest since she has had a resection to also have b12 injections, I have them...
  8. C

    Oxycontin no longer in Canada!

    It doesnt matter to me, I dont use it. But in our paper guess what.... another drug seizure and it was also Oxycontin guess where it was going?? Attawapiskat... $31,000 bucks worth.
  9. C


    Hi Fiona welcome to the forum :bigwave: No worries about joining with us, we are a great bunch and will help those who want and need it. Yes, leaving it so long could of spread the disease worse but what is done is done. IBD needs more awareness because it is not curable nor is it common...
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    I know it doesnt have lactose in it or I wouldnt drink it. Too bad you dont have Iso Pure it is here in Canada but dont think it is in the states.
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    Gluten, Sugar, and Dairy Free Banana Bread

    I love it, just had some but changed a few things until I get rice flour. I heated up the honey because my hands can't do it alone. I also sifted the flour. I put cinnamon in it and my banana bread came out really pretty ;) . Slicing it up to put in the baggy and freeze it before it is all...
  12. C

    Oxycontin no longer in Canada!

    Your bad so bad.. but trust me it is along way up there! ;)
  13. C


    I would keep trying and dont give up, because it does sound IBD related, and have some strictures possibly. Avoid food and drink Ensure and see what it does. If the ensure causes pain it could be something else. I wuld get a colonoscopy asap or the very least a small bowel follow thru. Hope...
  14. C

    Why oh why is my son getting worse rather than better!

    Ok, first what dose is he on now? 20mg and under the symptoms come back he needs to be on something for maintenance. Modulen sucks but I heard you can get Ensure or boost, (ensure is better) and has all the nutrients he needs. Pretty sure your pharmacist or drugist can order it in. My fave...
  15. C

    Oxycontin no longer in Canada!

    NO, in the reserves much higher my dear, not a typo.
  16. C

    Intestinal obstructions..

    Unfortunately yes, stress doensnt cause crohns but can bring on a flare. Prednisone helps but not a long term drug, very nasty. High fat diets will cause pain too. Eating on the run is very hard but needs to pick better choices. Digestive enzymes can help break down protein, fat and carbs...
  17. C

    Oxycontin no longer in Canada!

    Yep I know they will pay for 300 bucks a pill!!!! With that town we all saw how much poverty?? Well I saw a big screen tv!!! Now you know why they dont want us to manage the 19million we gave them over the years. Ok this is getting political and I hate politics.. all I want to say on it. ;)
  18. C

    Gluten, Sugar, and Dairy Free Banana Bread

    Well I made it and ready 30 mins. I used reg flour cause I didnt have enough rice flour or tapioca flour...used reg butter, I had to get it made or the bananas were going to be tossed. Also put reg salt and added cinnamon. David you are sooooooooooo in trouble, I used my husband's "local...
  19. C

    Intestinal obstructions..

    Hi there :welcome:! Yes I have had many bowel obstructions and one partial obstruction. It is the worst pain ever and I had my daughter eau naturel... and never winced! Give me labour anytime. It is common if you have strictures, narrowing from scaring or just scar tissue built up over time...
  20. C

    Oxycontin no longer in Canada!

    Perocets and Oxycontin is hard to get, they are really tackling the overuse problem the new oxycontin like I said is green and very hard to crush. Scary part is I am not far from the reserves. They are having babies and they are also addicted to the drug, it has become a very bad situation and...