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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. C

    Just diagnosed

    Hi there Darren,welcome to the forum :bigwave:. I don't have the same problems you do but nevertheless the tiresome is a pain too and it is crohns related. Ask your doc to check your b12 levels, and iron. Hopefully someone can come to your rescue with the same problems. :hang:
  2. C

    Massage can reduce inflammation?

    I have had a couple of professional massages and both times I suffered with bloat and cramps afterwards. Sometimes when they do a muscle massage it can cause Lactic acid to release into your system but since I have had my gall bladder out acids were causing havoc on my crohns. The massage was...
  3. C

    Surgery planned 24 jan scared !!!!!!

    Good for you, so glad you made it and getting better. Hope Bubbles behaves in the future! Just be good to you and hope you continue to do awesome! :banana:
  4. C


    Awe so sorry this disease has hit your son. It is not fair, being so young. Some you can get in powder forms or liquids but I dont know in the states. What meds is he taking?? Maybe someone can help.
  5. C

    My stoma is here!

    Glad you are all done girl! Hope you are looking after yourself and resting! How are you feeling? Healing thoughts being sent your way! :hug:
  6. C

    Potatoes - good or bad?

    I dont have a problem with them. But Yam's are alot better for you.
  7. C

    I made It

    You should be proud of your self. :banana:
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    Well I can help a bit. The new flavour is cranberry and it doesnt taste bad but this morning I had to take it, make it as cold as you can (takes the taste away a much as possible ) and get him to plug his nose and wait a few minutes, makes it so much easier.. I did it, shuddered a bit after...
  9. C

    L glutamene Bowel healing?

    I have heard of it and I (not at present moment) am taking a magnesium (powderform and the best) has L-Glutamine in it so too early to tell yet. Form other sources I have read it does help. It can't hurt!
  10. C

    Small Bowel Resection

    Thanks adam... I dont fear the scope itself, he gives amazing drugs ;). It is the not eating today and the results. Good surgeons only take out what they need too. All the best. Everything will be just fine, others will chime in from your country too. WE have a great crew here. :hang:
  11. C

    Small Bowel Resection

    Hi there :welcome: glad you decided to finally join ;). I have had two resections at the Ileum and dont have much left. I am avoiding a 3rd surgery, getting a scope tomorrow. I have not had a ileostomy and from what I do hear from others it was the best thing they did. My first resection...
  12. C

    Convince me

    I would say go for it! Every dollar counts as the CCFC and CCFA are non profit orgs that are fighting for a cure! I have a friend in CA and she goes and I also donate to hers and my own walk (my husband and dog goes) ours is changed to the Gutsy Walk. If you can go and you feel up to it, go...
  13. C

    Why am I always cold?

    I used to get like that in my early dx days. I was in a hot tub in the middle of summer trying to get warm but no fever... it is your body fighting off the disease vicious circle. Have you had your iron levels checked? It will pass, it is part of the disease, at least for me it was.
  14. C

    Opinion?? GI in private practice or hospital clinic

    My personal thoughts a private or hospital clinic would not matter to me, it is the me I have had lots both private and clinic (but not in a hospital but did have a second opinion in Mount Sinai. I would research what you can about the doctor you are seeking. If you have a choice...
  15. C

    Switching drugs after surgery (off Pentasa)

    HI Kennie and welcome :bigwave: I have had two resections and after the first I was on Entocort for 7 years. Yes they are costly but it worked, and I remained on one pill. Humira is a lesser of the two drugs rather than Remicade. Just my own experiences on it. Pentasa is a milder drug but...
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    Sardines for Crohn's Disease and other IBD

    I wished I could stomach them... my ex brother in law used to eat sardines and peanut butter sandwiches eeeeeeeeeeew. David is there a pill form equal to the sardines?
  17. C

    Newly Diagnosed with Crohns

    6 Prednisone does help some but most people start at 40mg and usually withing 2 days it works. The only downfall is as soon as you get down to 20mg you may start feeling more pain. However seeing that you are on Mesavant it could help when you taper down. Dicyclomine really doesnt help much...
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    Newly Diagnosed with Crohns

    What dosages are you on for Pred?
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    A cautionary tale

    It is about time but I am sure there are many more out there! I hate it when people capitalize on people who are ill with diseases. People are just sickos for doing that!
  20. C

    Cronh's flare up

    :welcome: stokes. I think that is very unusual that you are not on any meds. It is a crohns thing, and you really need to see a Gi and pronto. Many flares can cause narrowing and then you are in trouble. There is much to learn about crohns and your diet does mean mean lifestyle changes. I...