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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Nica

    New to The Forum

    Hi Tay, Welcome to the forums. It sounds like you have had it pretty rough! Please feel free to post on the other threads. I am sure you have lots of good advice on managing Crohn's day to day. Glad to have you here!
  2. Nica

    I seem to LOVE this thread!

    I like the idea of torture about now. I am going to write up a specific list for all three of them to do this weekend. They are not getting bribed ( I normally bribe) because frankly the bribery is whats under the tree. My 20 year old cousin lives here as well she is going to nursing school. Yes...
  3. Nica

    So what veggies are ok?

    My personal veggie issues are anything that is high in fiber or from the cabbage family.. the gas creators. I cant do well with any seeds, and peels can mess with me pretty good. I try not to eat any raw veggies anymore, as they are evil in my guts. (I miss salads!)I stick with white bread I do...
  4. Nica

    Hello from a newbie

    Good Luck not waking the baby and not having trips to the loo!
  5. Nica

    I seem to LOVE this thread!

    I just popped on my husband and son. I had been cleaning the kitchen for 2 hours, made dinner and was trying to get a batch of cookies going. I walk into the living room to get my pain meds, I was really hurting at that point my back is just killing me and my guts have been iffy today. They...
  6. Nica

    So disapointed in myself and in so much pain

    Hi Porter, How are you doing?
  7. Nica

    Ant's pains - it hurts when he breathes

    Hrm hehe I don't know as long as they don't come back with something terrible it's all good.. but it makes me wonder if I actually have UC now considering that was my first DX. Eh I suppose it really does not matter!
  8. Nica

    Hello from a newbie

    Hi! Welcome to the forums! It sounds to me like you have had quite a fight yourself! I am glad you are here and posted. You have your hands full with the kids thats for sure. I hope you find a treatment you can live with and gets you back on your feet. remember nothing here is a TMI...
  9. Nica

    Hi everyone!

    Hi Welcome to the forums! I am sure that we can all benefit from your expertise on this lovely disease. Very nice to meet you!
  10. Nica


    LOL my husband would rebel if I don't make HIS cookies. I never make them except Christmas time. I want to make ohh 6 or 7 types.. one completely ate so needs to be redone. I am not doing well with it! LOL Let me know how the dog is!?
  11. Nica

    Ant's pains - it hurts when he breathes

    I thought the biopsy was just for cancer and polyps? Am I wrong? I have never had any type of diagnosis or anything come back from a biopsy. Ok I had a misdiagnosis once another gi told me that nothing would be in a biopsy that would dx Crohns or UC.
  12. Nica

    Newly Diagnosed with Crohns

    It is something like a one in 400,000 chance of getting pancreantitis. When I went to the ER for it they didn't even want to test me for it even though I had the symptoms. I forced them too do the blood test after a doctor told me "you dont have that you dont even drink" a different doc came in...
  13. Nica

    Do I Push?

    I agree with your choice, maybe I wasn't clear in my response. A gentle nudge is one thing but a full out push is another. It sounds like maybe he needs to cut back a bit for next semester while he learns to deal with this. The first year is always the hardest.
  14. Nica

    Newly Diagnosed with Crohns

    Imuran gives me pancreantitis. hehe
  15. Nica


    My GI tells me to take Immodium when it is just too bad to function and I can't do anything, just use it sparingly. I have never been on Lialda though but asacol. I assume it is very similar. So use with caution, blocking up the intestines can be very dangerous for someone with IBD.
  16. Nica

    Well I am back--Have Lots of Questions~~~

    I am glad she is doing so much better. Thats kinda par for the course with Crohn's times when you are "normal" and times that are really bad. Hopefully she stays better!
  17. Nica

    Newly Diagnosed with Crohns

    Good to hear you are starting to feel better. Hopefully your prednisone taper goes well. Good Luck on the Imuran. I personally can't take it, but many have quite a bit of success with it!
  18. Nica

    Do I Push?

    Hi Dusty, Hard call, I know. I think it depends on how your son normally is. Does he normally do well in school and get his stuff done or is this all because of the new DX? He has seen his sister suffer with CD and now he is looking at it. Mentally I am sure that is messing with him. I...
  19. Nica

    In a lot of pain and now Thyroid disease

    Hi Margie, Joint pain can be part of Crohn's as well. May want to have a Rhuemy look at you.
  20. Nica


    *Sticks out Tounge at Michele* I love the holidays, but hate when I can't do what all I want to do with them. I am going to try to bake today though.. wish me luck~