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Crohn's Disease Forum

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    I was off work for a year, feeling incredibly ill, and it felt like a huge step going out and finding work and getting back into a routine. I spent the first few moths with an Ileostomy, which was incredibly uncomfortable and inconvenient, considering I had to wear a shirt and trousers and stand...
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    Download My Poetry Book About Crohn's For FREE!

    Attempted Haiku a few times, but it's not really my style, I don't think. I could have another go, though, I suppose. I'll try and get back to you :)
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    Download My Poetry Book About Crohn's For FREE!

    The creative writing was the best part by far, I think. Well, I'm trying. Still in the process of building my reputation. I couldn't live just on the (tiny) income, so I balance it with a part-time job.
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    Download My Poetry Book About Crohn's For FREE!

    Thank you, Hannah, for checking it out. Greatly appreciated. I did Creative Writing & English Lit at Uni. Did you enjoy your course? Feel free to pass the book onto as many people as you like :)
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    Download My Poetry Book About Crohn's For FREE!

    Hi, guys. My name's Andy. I got diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in 2008 and spent two horrid years in and out of hospital. I had two emergency operations to basically keep me alive, and spent a year with a temporary Ileostomy. After spending quite a bit of time dedicated to talking to patients...
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    Download My Poetry Book About Crohn's For FREE!

    Hi, guys. My name's Andy. I got diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in 2008 and spent two horrid years in and out of hospital. I had two emergency operations to basically keep me alive, and spent a year with a temporary Ileostomy. After spending quite a bit of time dedicated to talking to patients...
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    A Poem for all Crohn's Sufferers

    Thank you, Jeff.
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    Still in the "testing" stage

    Yeah, I do, but even when I don't, the urge to go is there. Hmm...
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    I am a new member....

    Welcome, Sue!
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    Ileostomy and returning to work

    Hi, Kris, I've worked with an Ileostomy. Not to the extent of "getting physical", but where I've required to be in full view of the public on most occasions. The best advice I can give is to basically get a routine going. I found best to have a big breakfast in the morning to get my bowels...
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    Still in the "testing" stage

    Diarrhoea isn't as frequent, that's for sure, when I smoke. As for stomach cramps, I think I need to smoke more to make a proper assessment. Everyone will react differently, though, right? One thing I have noticed is smoking dope makes me wee a hell of a lot. I don't know if anyone else has had...
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    Marijuana and IBD

    I knew it! Pass me the spliff, friends ;)
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    Parcopresis (the inability to defecate when there is people around)

    Actually, I do something similar: I normally turn the shower on when I really, really need to go and there's someone in the house. The water splashing off the bath disguises the flatulation pretty well, I think ;) And that's, good, mate! Not too far from me, then? I'm from Shipley, near...
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    Parcopresis (the inability to defecate when there is people around)

    Been talking with my partner and she has this problem, also. She doesn't have Crohn's, but she's anxious of making "noise" when she's in the bathroom and I'm in the next room. Women are such polite creatures ;)
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    Parcopresis (the inability to defecate when there is people around)

    Hi! Firstly I notice you're from West Yorkshire, too. Wow, coincidence? Whereabouts exactly? As for the peaking under the gap thing, damn. That thought occurs to me every time I'm in a public bathroom with people in there. It's gotten to the point that I scout desperately for the toilet every...
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    Parcopresis (the inability to defecate when there is people around)

    Anyone else suffer from this? It's a psychological disorder, so I'm told, and it certainly doesn't make my life any easier. Basically, I can't seem to defecate (no matter how much I need to) when there's people in the house/close to my bathroom. Like, for example, the bathroom I have in my flat...
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    It's Been a While...

    No meds at the min. I was originally on strong pain killers, but they weren't helping much at all really, to be honest, so I just soldier on. Going to the toilet at least eight times a day has become the norm for me now, I guess. I also find that I struggle with Parcopresis (the inability to...
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    Did your diagnosis make you feel more lonely?

    Hi, Kate. Yeah, of course you're gonna be lonely (and confused at first) when you find out you have Crohn's, or any other illness for that matter. But you'll be amazed how many people come out of the woodwork when you tell them you have Crohn's. I, for one, discovered that quite a large number...
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    It's Been a While...

    Since I made an appearance on this forum. I've had a lot of issues (as everyone does here) with health, and other people. I'm feeling pretty good, physically and mentally, though, I must admit. I'm Ileostomy-free (and have been for nearly two years now) and I've even matched to hook up with a...