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  1. Jenn

    Add Methotrexate??

    I think doctors are currently advised to use combo therapy. I got some research reports from mine and my conclusion is that though combo helps to induce remission and can also prevent antibody development, it's unclear whether it's necessary to maintain it and for how long the combo should be...
  2. Jenn

    Rejected Humira, Low prealbumin.. Help!

    momoftwo - had to go dig up his old results since it's been awhile, looks like his albumin was 2.5 g/dL and standard range is 3.5-5.1, total protein was 5.4 vs 6.3-8.6.... looks like it took a few months to increase, didn't hit normal til 8 or 9 months in. Curious what happened to mreyn, no...
  3. Jenn

    23andme - genetics & I

    My son did it too, it was interesting to see, need to spend some time looking through it more, but also great to help with research.
  4. Jenn

    Remicade and bronchitis

    Last month, we postponed my son's Humira shot a couple days to finish abx for bronchitis. So, yes, unless he's on the 5-day zpack instead of usual 10 day course. But ask your GI what they want to do
  5. Jenn

    First Remcade infusion tomorrow😕

    Good luck! hope it works great
  6. Jenn

    Treatment for a fistula

    My son didn't have a seton, but did do 8 weeks of IV antibiotics that healed his (2nd) fistula - flagyl and ciprofloxacin. Then, he started remicade. His first fistula was laid bare by surgery and was part of his dx.
  7. Jenn

    Infection (?) & Remi

    I wouldn't postpone the infusion - they generally only say to postpone if they are on a systemic antibiotic, but worth following up with the GI/pediatrician. Could soak the toe in some hydrogen peroxide and apply neosporin. The fatigue and headache could be him needing the infusion is all, or a...
  8. Jenn

    Have you had to have a MRI for Crohn's

    ditto. my son has had a couple, one to see a fistula and after it healed. MRI/E can see the small bowel better. The contrast is hard to get down, he did less than half and it was ok. There's no radiation exposure. And safer than the capsule, which can get stuck and is hard to swallow.
  9. Jenn

    Recycle coolers?

    Thought I'd update: a couple years ago I discovered our local recycling center (EDCO) takes styrofoam, so I stop by there a few times a year. They also take the sharps containers.
  10. Jenn

    MTX + Remicade: stopping the MTX after a year?

    We didn't do the same combo, but did drop 6mp after a year in combo with Humira. The research is mixed regarding whether to do combo - which seems to help prevent antibodies and encourage remission, but how long is combo needed after remission achieved? And weighing longterm side effect risks
  11. Jenn

    Crohns with no ab pain or diarrhea?

    same, my son had no pain, no diarrhea, no blood, no typically described symptoms. He had anemia, fatigue, growth failure, and fistula with abscess - the abscess is what led to tests and dx. It can take awhile to find what works. Dig up some of the research for top-down approach for kids near...
  12. Jenn

    Success Stories

    4 year anniversary of my son on Humira. Yay! (*bump *knockwood)
  13. Jenn

    Remicade--Delayed Allergic Reaction

    My son had remicade-induced psoriasis and occasional rash outbreaks. If he's developing antibodies, seems like it would make sense to switch off remicade to something else rather than postpone treatment. Maybe a lukewarm colloidal oatmeal bath would calm his skin? If the antihistamines aren't...
  14. Jenn

    Humira-Prometheus ® Anser™ ADA test

    We haven't had a reason to test antibodies yet, but we have started monitoring the blood level of Humira in his system. Insurance might cover that and as a first check anyway.
  15. Jenn they catch up?

    I hope so! My son is still 2 years delayed but maintaining that rate while in remission. Endocrinologist thinks he'll catch up in the end. Worth a visit to an endocrinologist, if you haven't already, to check on bone age.
  16. Jenn

    Sticky Paediatric IBD - Articles and Research

    interesting article on biosimilars and cost
  17. Jenn

    Annual TB test?

    huh, my son had the initial TB test but doesn't do an annual one with Humira (almost 4 years now). I'll ask his GI next appt.
  18. Jenn


    I enjoy seeing professional athletes raise awareness of IBD and be a role model for kids. Like Diekman's Gut It Out shirts earlier this year. Just saw this article about NBA Laker Larry Nance Jr...
  19. Jenn


    It will restart eventually, but first he has to have weight gain. Not everyone has catch up growth. My son checks in with the endocrinologist once/year with a hand xray for bone age. He's consistently 2 years delayed, but growing at a regular rate again. He'll just catch up at 18 or 20...
  20. Jenn

    Need a good iron vitamin for teen

    Centrum multivitamin is comprehensive. there's a chewable, but the ctirus flavor might aggravate her too. There are some great protein bars now, but check label for not too much fiber for IBD. My son was stubbornly low on protein until we added 6mp to his Humira for a year.