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  1. Jenn

    Blocking Crohn's-related Memories

    Interesting, my son too doesn't really remember his hospital stay or many details of all he's been through. But he's also really not with a good memory for vacations or other events, unless I trigger it with a picture or something. Don't know if it's Crohn's or the meds or just who he is. :)
  2. Jenn

    Child refuses to swallow pills

    lots of responses, so clearly a common problem! We had trouble with my son too. We had a sit down so he understood why it was necessary. Then we practiced for weeks, I think, with mini m&ms. Somehow, it was fine to chew them up when they didn't go down. We worked daily with desensitizing his...
  3. Jenn

    Struggling with how to cope

    I hear you, it is a constant struggle, I try to just manage one day at a time. Your other children will be stronger for your sometimes lack of attention, they are the lucky ones, truly. Know that you are doing your best. With the current flare on remicade, have your doctor check for antibodies...
  4. Jenn

    Humira for us what should I expect for my daughter

    There are loading doses: the first is 4 times a normal dose, the second is 2 times. The epipens are startling. I would request the syringe if you can, you can control the dosing rate. Humira really burns, so we ice up my son for about 15 min beforehand, I also take the syringe out of the fridge...
  5. Jenn

    Iron defeciency and Ibd

    Has the iron level improved yet?
  6. Jenn

    Changing Medications

    We've always gone with the GI's direction on when to switch. Mostly, it's clear your child isn't getting better so have to try something else. It's all frustratingly trial and error and lost time.
  7. Jenn

    How were your kids born?

    my son had tons of antibiotics his first year with chronic ear infections. There's genetic susceptibility, an enviromental priming (abx), and a trigger (in his case strep, I think) to set off the uncontrolled immune system
  8. Jenn

    How were your kids born?

    I've heard this too but it's hard to say. C-section is more common in the US, but lots of things are more common in the US. Breastfeeding has been thrown out there too, to provide immune system health. We are a small sample here on the board, so no conclusions can really be drawn, but I think...
  9. Jenn

    Thoughts on Endocrinologist?

    Did you get in to an endocrinologist? We just revisited and I was surprised that he's now considering doing something. My son, 12, is now about 3 years' delayed and though his height is near the growth chart slope, it's not matching his weight gain. I guess that's when to take action, when the...
  10. Jenn

    Surgery for LJ AGAIN, so frustrated with this #X%#CD!

    I was just reading about a vaccine going to trial:
  11. Jenn

    Update on Dani

    Just read an article about a possible C Diff vaccine, they are testing in adults over 50 now.
  12. Jenn

    Special diet for Crohn's

    I think diet can make a big difference, but compliance in kids is a big issue. 6mp alone was not enough for my son, so I would consult with your child's GI for suggestions on options.
  13. Jenn

    Iron defeciency and Ibd

    Could he be starting a growth spurt so his body is requiring more iron than usual? Just a random idea for the idiosyncrasy of it. Glad he's started the supplement, hope it helps improve his numbers.
  14. Jenn

    Still lost in what to do

    You could try to find an IBD clinic near you for a 2nd opinion, or fresh approach. Crohn's can be refractory for some people, but there are new drugs coming to market all the time. Hang in there!
  15. Jenn

    Iron defeciency and Ibd

    I dunno, my mom was anemic as a child, it can be idiopathic. But certainly a datapoint amid other things going on. We've only done supplements. Hang in there!
  16. Jenn

    12 Y/O daughter with Crohn’s. Remicade failing?

    Welcome. How does the bloodwork look? My son was consistenly low in protein and had high calprotectin and we repeated the colonoscopy. We added 6mp to his Humira for a year to successfully kick him back to normal. I'd also recommend doing a blood test to check for antibodies to Remicade...
  17. Jenn


    It's safer to have the vaccinations than not. Better to have mild reactions than a full blown course of the disease. But check with his GI to feel sure.
  18. Jenn

    Hair loss/thinning???

    My son's hair got thin and a bit grayish when on 6mp the first time. It's similar to Aza.
  19. Jenn

    New symptoms

    Even if you've had it before, antibiotics can create a new allergic reaction. I'd have her seen as soon as you can. Can you stop the antibiotic in the meantime?
  20. Jenn

    Asthma (non-IBD)

    My son's asthma is usually illness induced. I handle all the medications when we are out, he doesn't. I haven't yet placed one at school since its an extra step through the doctor, etc, and he's never so immediate need that he can't come home for it.