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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. DougUte

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    Ron, I would call Entyvio Connect and get the ball rolling before your first infusion. Since you have been approved they will set you up. 1-855-368-9846
  2. DougUte

    Being told I should take FMLA leave.

    I am an auditor for the State of Utah. I do payroll audits on companies paying state unemployment tax. It is coming on performance review time. For the last performance year I have turned in 81 audits, which is 21 more than the minimum for passing. I also have investigations I need to do and I...
  3. DougUte

    New To This Site - Questions About Surgery TI or Balloon Procedure

    Hi Jane. Like everyone else, wondering how your surgery went. Praying for you too.
  4. DougUte

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    I had trouble getting my insurance to pay for the first 2 infusions. after they told us in a letter the Entyvio would be approved. Turned out there was a miscommunication between the Dr's office and the insurance company. The Entyvio had to be ordered through the specialty pharmacy. The...
  5. DougUte

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    Way to go G I Jane! I am happy to hear that news. Glad your surgery went well also. I just had my 3rd infusion and I believe things are going well. I feel pretty good gut wise, and today is the first day after the infusion where I did not have to fight so much fatigue. Onward and upward for...
  6. DougUte

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    Entyvio is helping me. I think it will be good and I hope it works quickly for you. There are plenty of people here who understand what you are going through. I was wondering if you have checked into support groups in your area. I suggest trying the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation...
  7. DougUte

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    Hi theriz! Welcome to the forum. Entivyo is a new biologic. I believe it came on the market in 2014. There are not many long-time users. I am still on the loading doses myself. I have experienced deep fatigue after the infusions, but I am told that side effect will go away over time. There is...
  8. DougUte

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    I have finally got my insurance all figured out. The insurance is going to cover the first 2 doses of Entyvio which they previously refused to cover. I was looking at owing $30,000.00 to the infusion clinic. Future infusions need to be obtained through the specialty pharmacy, Acreedo. I will...
  9. DougUte

    New To This Site - Questions About Surgery TI or Balloon Procedure

    Thought came to me that it might not be the Entyvio at all. When you need surgery, it could be that. Inflammation is what causes most of the stuff we end up with surgery for. I hope they give you a surgery date soon, if that is what you need.
  10. DougUte

    New To This Site - Questions About Surgery TI or Balloon Procedure

    G.I. Jane, I also don't know what is causing all this for you. I just wish it would all go away.
  11. DougUte

    Cimzia again?

    Ron, It is an infusion like Remicade. The infusion itself lasts about 30 minutes and I have been in and out in 45 minutes. Maya142 is correct. Loading doses at weeks 0,2 and 6, then every 8 weeks.
  12. DougUte

    Cimzia again?

    Ron, I would give a recommendation on Entyvio, but I have not been on it long enough to give an opinion. I have only had the first 2 loading doses. Right now I am having problems with diarrhea. I also have problems with deep fatigue for a couple of days after the infusion. Good Luck in...
  13. DougUte

    New Member whose battling denial with Crohn's

    You are not weak because you have this disease! It takes strength to go through all the stuff Crohn's disease throws at us. I agree, you have grown up regarding your disease. I really recommend that you stay on your treatments until they stop working for you. Going off meds like Humira and...
  14. DougUte

    Humira to Entyvio?

    ag55 I just made the switch from Humira to Entyvio. Humira, at every other week injections, had become ineffective. I did not have anti-bodies, when the Prometheus Test results came is Humira was at a 2.2 level, should be a minimum of 5.0. My GI switched me to weekly injections, but my...
  15. DougUte

    My story with Crohn's and Lower Back Pain

    Glad to hear that. Hope the muscle relaxants give some long term relief.
  16. DougUte

    My story with Crohn's and Lower Back Pain

    The 3 spots is quite serious. They cannot take the entire small intestine, after all, you need to be able to absorb your food. I hope the Remicade puts you into remission. It will take some months to know if the Remicade is having an effect. As far as your back is concerned, have you looked...
  17. DougUte

    My story with Crohn's and Lower Back Pain

    Hi SS. :welcome: Unfortunately I have heard of a case like yours. It is mine. I really feel for you. My guts are having sympathy pains. The pain from an obstruction is extremely intense. The pain will put you on the floor, cause you to roll up in ball, and comes in waves. This was the...
  18. DougUte

    Remicade vs Humira

    Humira was my first biologic. Yes the shots burned, for about 10 seconds during injection. It was well worth the 5 years of remission It was well worth it. The last few months I was on it, Humira lost effectiveness. As a result I was put on Entyvio. I have had 2 Entyvio infusions. With Humira I...
  19. DougUte


    Wow. Actually getting in to see a doctor happens much faster over here.