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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. DJW

    Extreme Fatigue Support Group

    My auto correct stopped working. Im not sure what im doing with some words.
  2. DJW

    Extreme Fatigue Support Group

    A hematologist is a blood specialist. They deal with disease and conditions of the blood. (Includes leukemia and such)
  3. DJW

    Extreme Fatigue Support Group

    Ive done the test and now have my own team of professionals working with me. I see a homatologist, psychiatrist, and therapist. Im getting a sleep study done. My GI says fatigue can be a problem for some people even in remission.
  4. DJW

    Mom's Ileostomy

    I'll add, start contacting manufacturers for free samples. Veganostomy has a lot of information about ostomy products on his blog. He's also a member here. Hopefully he'll be along soon.
  5. DJW

    Mom's Ileostomy

    Hi and welcome. What brand appliance does she have? Is it 1 or 2 piece? Is it a Velcro or plastic clip closure? Waffer are usually cuttable. If so, on the next change leave about 1/8th of an inch around the stoma. That should help prevent leaks. Check the web for stores selling ileostomy...
  6. DJW

    Remicade and infections

    I get little infections around my finger nails. Never needed antibiotics and the dermatologist wasn't concerned. That is my only battle with infection.
  7. DJW

    Crohns disease, depression, and anxiety. Is it real or are we making it up?

    Vent away. The reality is anxiety and depression are VERY common with Crohn's disease. Many of us battle it. There is treatment. My suggestion is to start with a referral to a psychiatrist and go from there. Sending you my support.
  8. DJW

    Surgery moved up

    I hope all goes well.
  9. DJW

    Diagnosed with both crohns and UC?

    That's odd. I've read that you can't have both.
  10. DJW

    How I manage Crohn's Disease without any medication

    At the moment the best we can hope for is clinical remission. Crohn's can simmer without symptoms for long periods of time until serious complications arise. These complications can be fatal.
  11. DJW

    Pain after abscesses drainage?

    I've had it done many times. It's not painfull. The nurse soaked my gauze in sterile water before packing the wound.
  12. DJW

    Is it Crohn's or something else? 15 years of feeling horrible!

    Hi and welcome. It could be the Crohn's. I'm afraid I'm not really sure what's going on. Have you been in to see the doctor to get things checked out?
  13. DJW

    Extreme Fatigue Support Group

    As if IBD isn't enough to deal with. Sending you my support.
  14. DJW

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    Sorry guys, I completely missed this post.
  15. DJW

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    Hi Matt, That was the first surgery I ever had back in the mid 1980s. I didn't have any complications. I think what you're feeling perfectly normal. Sending you my support.
  16. DJW

    Undiagnosed someone please help

    Hi and welcome, I'm sorry you've been suffering with nobody really investigating. I'd suggest getting a new gastroenterologist and push for proper investigation. Colonoscopy with biopsies, full blood work, upper GI investigation. Sending you my support.
  17. DJW

    Thoughts on remicade and lymphoma?

    I think it's also important to consider the risks of not properly treating the disease. When I was first diagnosed treatment options were very limited. As a result I've had some very serious complications (countless bowel obstructions, 2 perforations; 1 near fatal, toxic mega colon, multiple...
  18. DJW

    Rough recovery from surgery

    Hi, I'm sorry your having a rough time. As Grotbags mentioned, it's still VERY early in your recovery. It's major surgery. I had my first ileostomy surgery in the mid 1980s. It will get better. Keep in close contact with your stoma nurse. Your stoma will change over the coming months...
  19. DJW


    I hope you feel better soon.