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  1. B

    My journey to getting well

    No doubt about it I appear much healthier when I avoid nightshade family members. Also the only times I've been well is when I've been avoiding nightshade family members. There is more that causes me problems. I would have solved this a long time ago if it was just nightshade that was causing...
  2. B

    My journey to getting well

    I'm doing well this morning Strength is good. Energy is decent. Today is the 3rd day in a row of taking the mutli vitamin and I can feel it, feel cold somewhat as the vitamin will do, but imagine that feeling will go away as the morning progressing. Overall I'm pleased with the avoiding...
  3. B

    My journey to getting well

    Bit more gas cramping once again today. I'm going to blame the Imodium idea I tried. Taking a teaspoon of Imodium a day is a good theory but I suspect the results are not as good as hoped. The good, the cramping eventually passed...literally. The worst of that should be over. Appearance is...
  4. B

    My journey to getting well

    173lbs. I fasted yesterday. At the moment after eating breakfast I'm feeling a bit bloated but nothing significant. Overall doing good. I feel medium with energy levels. The same can be said about strength. Tongue looks great. Skin looks good. I'd place nightshade on the permanent avoid...
  5. B

    My journey to getting well

    I keep forgetting to note down but it is important, since avoiding nightshade just the other day, I'm talking, communicating much better. Will monitor. Also a few days ago i started taking royal jelly once again. It seems to give me extra energy.
  6. B

    My journey to getting well

    Something I've noticed in the brief time I've avoided potato chips/nightshade family memberss, I'm using the bathroom much less. I'm fasting today, and doing well. Energy levels are not bad even though I'm fasting today. I've noticed to the left foot feels better. That's typical. It does...
  7. B

    My journey to getting well

    As always I feel better when I avoid nightshade family members. Avoiding potatoes has me feeling better this morning. I might fast today. Imagine I don't have much to worry about being sick with the laxative effect. of course famous last words. Energy levels good. Strength better than...
  8. B

    My journey to getting well

    As usual I appeared healthier since avoiding nightshade. I'm going to add Imodium back into the diet and see if that helps. I'm guessing it was the potatoes that gave me the stomach cramps.
  9. B

    My journey to getting well

    Oh nearly forgot, I've long noticed this and couldn't explain it. Sometimes my hair becomes full and wavy. It doesn't look good. My hair has been that way since i added those potato chips a few week ago. Today my hair is back to being straight and less full. It about looks like I just had...
  10. B

    My journey to getting well

    I was thinking about it, I don't believe I've been ill when avoiding nightshade family members while on the fish diet. It is always after I add nightshade to the diet that about 2 weeks later I become seriously ill. What I should do is avoid nightshade and follow the fish diet. I believe I've...
  11. B

    My journey to getting well

    I think what I'll do is go back to eating that nightshade free sauce. I will not start till after my dental appointment next Thursday. My previous dental appointment I canceled due to fears of being ill. What may have really been my problem was fears from eating that nightshade free sauce. i...
  12. B

    My journey to getting well

    Last nights cramping waas no fun. I survived the night! I did realize that there is a possible other cause for the cramping, potatoes or the nightshade family. That is what happens when I eat nightshades, severe painful cramping and sometimes lots of diarrhea. I've been eating potatoes of...
  13. B

    My journey to getting well

    It has been a good day for most of it. Here in the later evening I'm experiencing some uncomfortable cramping. I'm hinking maybe the Imodium brought that about. Imodium has done that before to me. I'll stop taking it for a bit.
  14. B

    My journey to getting well

    I'm feeling quite wonderful this afternoon. I suppose if being picky I'm not 100% good with energy, fatigue and strength. But I'm getting close to that goal. I'll stick with the plain alpha gal diet, avoiding also some spices and chicken too.
  15. B

    My journey to getting well

    Thank you Maks. That is very nice of you to say. I must admit, it has been a frustrating journey for me, taking longer than expected but at the moment I'm pretty pleased with where I am at after all the work. I'm grateful for the web sight as it makes it easier to write these notes and...
  16. B

    My journey to getting well

    I'm feeling very well this morning. My energy levels are quite good. No fatigue at all to report. Strength is decent. Skin looked good. Tongue is nearly perfect. I'll stick with this alpha gal diet i'm on. I've long thought and even hoped that what i have is alpha gal. It simplifies...
  17. B

    My journey to getting well

    Thinking about it, the only diet that has given me good energy is the alpha gal, or fish diet. Beef, cheese and pork tire me out. As I found out a month ago even chicken and eggs wear me out, though not as badly. I feel decent when eating chicken though I do seem to bleed some from my gums...
  18. B

    My journey to getting well

    I'm feeling really well today. I thought I'd feel cold due to the chilly weahter and taking a multi vitamin this morning but that hasn't been the case. It dawned on me that I'm only a little over 2 weeks in on the alpha gal, fish diet. I ate some cheese a little over 2 weeks ago. The...
  19. B

    My journey to getting well

    175lbs and I didn't fast yesterday. It was to cold to fast. Instead I just cut out the snacks. It is to be another cold day and I took a multi vitamin this morning. I'll likely feel chilled later on. Right now I'm doing well. Energy levels are decent. Stomach is feeling good. Tongue has...
  20. B

    My journey to getting well

    I'm feeling quite good today. Energy levels are up. Strength is improved. The spoonful of Imodium in the morning I suspect is helping me out. I'm liking the diet, avoiding garlic family, carrot family, and following the fish diet.