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  1. B

    My journey to getting well

    I continue to be well to the stomach often. I've noticed that the stomach is well on the days that I fast, such as today. It had me thinking maybe this explains why I become sick sometimes. When I fast the stomach looks to be well, but the food(s) that cause me problems is there. As a result...
  2. B

    My journey to getting well

    172lbs. It is so wonderful at how much more energy I now have. I'm not exactly boiling over with energy but compared to where I was I'd doing much better I believe. I'm not so sure if I can be on my feet all. I might have to test that out next week. That would be a good test. Stomach...
  3. B

    My journey to getting well

    It doesn't happen to often so thought to record, this evening I have some of that hyper high energy. I just have to move, move my muscles. Kind of nice. Kind of surprising too as I've felt a bit chilled all day. I'm blaming that on the vitamin taken this morning, along with the chilly...
  4. B

    My journey to getting well

    I was wrong about being worn out and tired this morning due to taking the B vitamin this morning. Instead I have good energy and overall and am strong. It is a positive sign I imagine. Overall I'm growing stronger I feel. Another month of being like this and I imagine I will be largely well...
  5. B

    My journey to getting well

    I think I screwed up this morning. I probably took that high vitamin B capsule two days in a row. I'm pretty sure now that I did. It has me looking rather worn down at the moment, but I feel ok at the moment. I'll likely feel worn down this morning though. That seems to happen with that...
  6. B

    My journey to getting well

    It has been a pretty good day health wise. I'm frustrated about some worthless jerks but with my health I'm doing quite well. I've only eaten one meal. My energy levels are quite good. I've exercised hard. I'm near a record I imagine with walking and jogging. Left foot feels fine after...
  7. B

    My journey to getting well

    Yesterday was another pretty good day. The big down side was how much I've exercised. that wears me down. I'm taking a good beating. overall though all things considered I'm doing great. The stomach is doing well. I even ate two oranges yesterday plus ate an orange treat. no stomach...
  8. B

    My journey to getting well

    After all the exercises done yesterday I'm a bit out of it this morning. I'm worn down. I'll take an easy today as a result. Fasting yesterday and the cold weather also likely has me feeling a bit run down. On the positive, and it is a big positive, my stomach continues to do well. No...
  9. B

    My journey to getting well

    Glad you found gluten to be a problem for you. I've seen that soy products can have wheat added to them surprisingly. What came as a surprise to me was to read that genetically modified (GMO) soy, which most soy there day are GMO, has nightshade in it. Todays modern soy beans were...
  10. B

    My journey to getting well

    Another good day. Even though I've only eaten one meal today, I've had lots of energy. I've walked or jogged 15 miles. I am worn out naturally, but overall I'm doing great all things considered. Fingers crossed I don't experience the fasting laxative effect tomorrow.
  11. B

    My journey to getting well

    I did more yesterday to not hurt the gut, with fiber and exercise. this morning as I expected I do not have a runny nose. I'm not sneezing as much. So it likely is the fiber in the orange that causes that sneezing and runny nose problem. I'll keep up with the gut protection though and see if...
  12. B

    My journey to getting well

    Forgot to note down, I was entirely well using the bathroom today. That is becoming more and more common it seems of late. I'm not always well with bathroom habits, but it is something happening fairly often of late.
  13. B

    My journey to getting well

    I suspect that the cold feeling I get after eating oranges comes from the fiber in oranges. Fiber from other sources will do similar, making me feel chilled. Eating fiber can also cause a runny nose and make me sneeze. I'm going by memory on that, but I'm fairly certain that happens when I...
  14. B

    My journey to getting well

    I was a bit worn out today so I ended up not fasting. A combination of fasting often over the past few weeks, working out, and eating new nuts that might have slightly upset the stomach had me feeling worn down. Oh the cold also wears on me. I'll likely get back to fasting tomorrow. So far...
  15. B

    My journey to getting well

    today marks one month of avoiding nightshade family and spices. Imagine another 2 to 3 months is needed there. Citrus for the stomach is so far turning out well. It hasn’t upset the stomach to this point. I do react to citrus though as I do believe it causes me to feel chilled and it also...
  16. B

    My journey to getting well

    The gut is doing well. No problems so far. I'll keep fasting and eating citrus to see if it causes problems, all week. Energy levels are good this morning. Resting heart rate remains low. It might have not been the citrus that brought that about. Strength is ok. Skin looks healthy. I was...
  17. B

    My journey to getting well

    So far so good with eating citrus. No stomach complaint. I am feeling cold and suspect eating citrus has made me feel colder, but I'm handling it will. I'm wearing warmer clothing. I've jogged about an hour today. It has been done all at once. My left foot remains in good shape. No...
  18. B

    My journey to getting well

    This morning, after eating an orange yesterday evening, and an orange with breakfast, I feel cold. The temperature in the house is only 1 degree cooler from yesterday. Despite the chilly feeling, the stomach so far is dong well. I plan on fasting today. I'll find out if the fasting laxative...
  19. B

    My journey to getting well

    I've had a change of mind with waiting fruther before testing. It looks like I have a good testing way with fasting. Fasting likely tells me if a food is a problem or not. So this afternoon I decided I'm going to test citrus. I bought some oranges and some mango pop sickles. I'll find out...
  20. B

    My journey to getting well

    The morning has been wonderful so far. I feel so good. This is living. I can feel better I imagine but overall I'm doing quite well. Tongue still has some of those marks on it. I was hoping that once i avoided royal jelly the marks wuold quickly go away. That hasn't been the case but no...