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  1. B

    My journey to getting well

    It is amazing. I've never fasted more than i have of late. Yet I've not experienced the laxative fasting effect since going on this latest diet of avoid nearly everything edible - citrus, nightshade family, spices, carrot family, and grains. I fasted yesterday and this morning I'm feeling...
  2. B

    My journey to getting well

    It is amazing. I've never fasted more than i have of late. Yet I've not experienced the laxative fasting effect since going on this latest diet of avoid nearly everything edible - citrus, nightshade family, spices, carrot family, and grains. I fasted yesterday and this morning I'm feeling...
  3. B

    My journey to getting well

    It is amazing. I've never fasted more than i have of late. Yet I've not experienced the laxative fasting effect since going on this latest diet of avoid nearly everything edible - citrus, nightshade family, spices, carrot family, and grains. I fasted yesterday and this morning I'm feeling...
  4. B

    My journey to getting well

    Doing quite well today. i've done a lot of exercise and yet to this point I do not feel worn out. I avoided the royal jelly today and I believe I appear healthier and my tongue looks better. I might be early in declaring that but for the moment the few red marks remaining have pretty much...
  5. B

    My journey to getting well

    On this diet I'm able to handle chilly weather much better. The cold in general does not bother me. I'm also learned that I no longer am experiencing the painful electric like shocks in the left foot. Jogging in particular would bring about the painful shocks. Now, I've been jogging for 4...
  6. B

    My journey to getting well

    I'm doing well this morning. Gut is good. I slept well. Yesterday I ate 3 meals and weight this morning was 171lbs. I'm going to stop taking the royal jelly supplement. It occurred to me that honey and royal jelly might have orange pollen in it. Best for me to avoid that. I'm slightly...
  7. B

    My journey to getting well

    169lbs. Woke up this morning feeling I had a sour stomach, and was feeling weak. Thought for sure I'd experience the fasting laxative effect. Instead after breakfast I'm doing well. Energy levels and strength are not as good as yesterday but overall I'm doing as well as to be expected after...
  8. B

    My journey to getting well

    I am fasting again today and so far no signs of the fasting laxative effect. This is two days in a row with fasting. This comes after 8 fasting days, with the every other day of fasting. I'm tired, a bit out of it, to be expected, but overall I'm doing quite well. Energy levels are good...
  9. B

    My journey to getting well

    I slept very well last night. I went to bed and woke up when I typically wake up. That was nice, not waking up once in my sleep. Weight 171lbs. I fasted yesterday and gained a pound doing so. Hmmmm.... I think I know why. Much of my weight loss has been water loss. Now I'm into losing...
  10. B

    My journey to getting well

    I'm doing better today. Energy levels have been good. Stomach has been hanging in there. Overall it has been a positive day. I'm fasting today also and I've had very good energy for the early part of it, now I'm feeling a bit more worn down, but nothing all that troubling. I saw something...
  11. B

    My journey to getting well

    170lbs. That is my goal weight but I still have more belly fat than wanted so I'll continue with fasting to lose weight. I'm doing better this morning. I'm sore in my legs as I should be. I did leg weight lifting and walked about 20 miles the other day. It is great to have more energy but I...
  12. B

    My journey to getting well

    today turned out to not be a good of a day, and I have a good explanation why. Yesterday I went over board with exercises. Today I'm tired. My gut is a little sour. So for the day I took an easy, at leasst compared to all the exercises I did yesterday. It wasn't a bad day. My muscles felt...
  13. B

    My journey to getting well

    I'm still thinking I finally have my answer for the cause of my stomach problem and fatigue. Now what is left is testing new foods and time. Time has always been the toughest test. I need to remain decently well for a few months. I'm only one week into on this diet of avoiding citrus...
  14. B

    My journey to getting well

    Pretty amazing, I'm starting to once again think I have my answer. The gut is all but well. Energy levels are good today and this comes after doing a bunch of pushups and I've walked and jogged 13 miles today. I'm a bit worn down but overall I'm not worn down by much. I have a ways to go...
  15. B

    My journey to getting well

    It is quite remarkable, and I should stress it again in my notes, I'm not feeling cold. It is 71F in the house and typically I'd been feeling chilled and worn out from the cold. I'd be bundled up and having a tough time keeping warm. the cold would also have my stomach feel sour, upset...
  16. B

    My journey to getting well

    Today is day 4 I believe where the gut is pretty much well. I say that, there is a long ways to go till it is entirely well I'd imagine but I like what is going on for now. It is quite chilly in the house this morning yet so far I feel fine. The cold isn't bothering me. I'm sneazing a lot...
  17. B

    My journey to getting well

    It has been a really great day today. I had lots of energy, till I did a bunch of pushups. I still have good energy though. Stomach has been good. It is chilly today but I feel just fine, if not a little to warm due to dressing to warmly. All good signs that I found my answer. I stil have...
  18. B

    My journey to getting well

    Well, I've been pretty much well the last two days with bathroom habits. Hope I make it 3 days. I fasted yesterday so my thinking is I'll be sick later on but maybe I'll continue to surprise myself and be well. Tongue looks great. It is nearly healed up. Energy levels are good. Strength is...
  19. B

    My journey to getting well

    It is exciting, I've been quite well today. Energy levels are pretty good. Gut is doing great. I'm handling the chilly weather without problem. All is going well with avoiding citrus, grains and nightshade/spices. I'm also fasting today. Weight is already 174lbs or abouts.
  20. B

    My journey to getting well

    Doing well this morning. I didn't even need to use the bathroom. that is a first. The mornings tend to be the ruffest. Nice change. Tongue is looking quite good. The tongue hasn't been the best of items for me to watch but maybe it will be different now that I'm avoiding citrus. I hope...