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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Pug Gamer

    What's your theory on how you got Crohn's Disease?

    Mine was definitely stress! I had a job I loved, got wind of the company going down the pan and that week a family member had a accident and nearly died. Also found out he had cancer. I started having symptoms right then, I was 21. Then made redundant days before my birthday and my partner was...
  2. Pug Gamer

    Why have a follow up appointment after Sigmoid?

    Like you I had the same procedure last month and had the most horrendous pain. Im not lying its started a fear of future procedures. Despite finding nothing at all on that test but other tests showing exactly how bad my crohns and strictures are they now want to do a full colonoscopy. They said...
  3. Pug Gamer

    Crohns and pain meds

    I have been on codydramol, then cocodamol and recently due to bad constipation I've been moved on tramadol. I found codiene was horrendous for constipation for me. I haven't found any of them work at all when I have a flare up though.
  4. Pug Gamer

    Here to introduce myself

    Hey everyone, I have had Crohn's disease for 8 years now but until I got severe flare ups from strictures my doctors wouldn't send me for testing so I have only been diagnosed for nearly a year. I'm currently still waiting for treatment which should happen this Wednesday :emot-dance: It's been...