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  1. F

    I need advice! temp ileostomy to heal fistula

    sorry to resurrect an old thread, but this is kind of my question too. i had a fistula that came out right beside my vagina. it branched off and created another hole further up my labia, but then i got on remicade, and it closed the branch, but not the original. i just had surgery last week...
  2. F

    Happy freakin new year

    eh. went to the surgeon, she of course wants to cut me open again right away. i'm trying to see if there might be other options to the kind of major surgery she wants to do. so at this point i'm just holding steady.
  3. F

    Help with recto vaginal fistula

    yeah, i saw the surgeon. she wants to do a temp ostomy (which i'm fine with) and then wants to do some major surgery where they take muscle from my leg and stick it between my rectum and vagina. she wanted to go ahead and do the ostomy, which i have held off for now. i'm still trying to recover...
  4. F

    Help with recto vaginal fistula

    yep, during (or right after) surgery. lucky me. one door closes, another one opens, right? i have some of that calmoseptine. the problem is more the irritation inside the labia. thanks anyway...
  5. F

    Help with recto vaginal fistula

    Oh it's painful but I still have lortab from the surgery. Doesn't help that my stomach is still messed up from surgery/medications. I feel like if I could get back on a regular bowel schedule it would help. What is tcp?
  6. F

    Help with recto vaginal fistula

    Hey ladies. Last week I had a flap procedure to fix a fistula that ran alongside my vagina, not in it. Needless to say, it may have ? Fixed the original one, but now I seem to have a horrific vaginal fistula. I'm still on pain meds and haven't had a really substantial bowel movement yet, just...
  7. F

    Flap procedure advice

    I'm a little worried because they mentioned a temp osteomy - which honestly doesn't sound bad at this point- but if I'm obviously not healing properly even though my guts look fine, would I end up with something terrible from that? So far I've had a colonoscopy which ended in a fistula, and now...
  8. F

    Happy freakin new year

    well, i haven't had any normal size bowel movements yet, but the small ones i am having, most of it is coming out of my vagina now. but my butthole is still really irritated from surgery, so everything, literally, hurts and is irritated. it's like the playdoh fun factory going out the wrong...
  9. F


    I bet it's coincidental in most cases. Acne is just inflammation. Probably a predisposition.
  10. F

    Happy freakin new year

    I officially hate my body.
  11. F

    Flap procedure advice

    so.... at this point i'm not quite sure in the flap procedure worked. it may have, technically, because i don't know that i have much of anything coming out of my old fistula hole. unfortunately i now have a LOT of stuff coming straight out of my vagina. i haven't been examined, but i think...
  12. F

    Happy freakin new year

    So I'm back in the hospital about to get a ct scan because the stool is definitely comin out of my vagina now. Sigh. Why didn't I just leave well enough alone? At least it was manageable before....
  13. F

    Happy freakin new year

    So now I have a pretty decent amount of stool coming out and I'm not sure if its from the original fistula, or now through my vagina! whoopee. I am really starting this year off on a horrible note.
  14. F

    Happy freakin new year

    I had a flap procedure that I don't think is taking. I'm feeling slightly better today. Had a 5 hour drive home, but at least I'm home. Going tomorrow for my infusion, which I hope will do some magic, although I think I need a miracle at this point. Did you go to uab? Flagyll is the devil. I...
  15. F

    Remicade and lupus

    I apparently have a very low positive negative double stranded something for lupus, but the dr was checking for something else and all my Ana's have always been negative. I read somewhere that up to 30% of people on remicade will test a a slight positive for lupus but never contract it. I...
  16. F

    Happy freakin new year

    What kind of surgery did you have al? Is yours at least working? Funny enough I had my surgery in Birmingham. Good luck! Amen, Mary. Amen.
  17. F

    Remicade and narcotic drugs

    I just had surgery on Thursday and Am still on lortab . Can I stay on it for my infusion? I usually take Tylenol and Claritin anyway.
  18. F

    Insurance (Anthem) denying Remicade

    Does your son have a crohn's dx? I went straight to remicade on blue cross but I had to have a crohn's diagnosis.
  19. F

    Happy freakin new year

    razor blades. might need something stronger than bacardi.
  20. F

    Happy freakin new year

    i've been on remicade for just over a year now. i was hoping maybe it would help the inflammation and speed the healing process, but at this point i don;t know if there;s any flap left to heal or if it all fell off or tore or what.