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  1. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. thanks to the holiday i'm up to 101 lbs! going for my 3rd dose of remicade on tuesday. sorry to hear about everyone's goings-on. i seem to be a bit more sheddy in the hair department as well, but i have pretty thick hair, and it doesn't seem to be coming...
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    Lymph Nodes and Fistula?

    i have a fistula near my lady parts, and when it first fistulized i had a sore lymph node in that same groin area on that side. it has since stopped being sore for the most part, but still there. started remicade 6 weeks ago, still in loading doses, hasn't closed fistula, but i'm getting less...
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    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    allie - what a dick. my mom has lupus. she takes lortab for pain. it has no antinflammatory properties. it still helps her. so what exactly does he think you have if you don't have something autoimmune? because if it was something bacterial/viral, i imagine prednisone would make it worse.
  4. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    allie! grrrr. stupid doctors. hope your 2nd opinion is swift and more knowledgeable and not a total @$$hole.
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    Crohns man dies through medical negligence

    what's interesting is that i'm sure some people will turn this into a NHS is horrible thing. it happens on both sides of the pond. if you end up with the wrong doctors, it doesn't matter what country you're in. and you definitely have to advocate for yourself, sadly.
  6. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    jill - our issues sound so much alike. very odd. i have the mouth issues, too. not just the ulcers, but with tongue swelling and irritation in the sides of my mouth, gums and throat. it's under control right now with a steroid cream, as the remicade doesn't seem to be helping it so far. when i...
  7. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    sunshine, i 3rd the rheumy idea. also, have you considered getting a referral to endocrinologist? i know hormones and thyroid problems can do a number on all different systems. i'm even considering going to one, just because even on the remicade i still seem to have more frequent bowel movements...
  8. F

    Fistula healing?

    mine's been itching. i'm hoping that means healing. it would make sense. maybe it's the scar tissue? i have skin scars that itch...
  9. F


    i love almond joys, but i'm trying to stay away from nuts. sigh. halloween just not as much fun this year.
  10. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    sunshine - i will second cat's advice. losing weight and stress can make it late. i was hoping mine would go away when i got down to 90 lbs, but no such luck. lol. on a good note, i'm up to 97 lbs now! star - glad your concert went well. sometimes it's alright to pay for it the next day to get...
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    Fistula healing?

    hoping it keeps working for you too. i'm hoping my 3rd infusion will be the magic bullet... :)
  12. F

    Fistula healing?

    i have a fistula, but don't have a seton. started remicade 4 weeks ago. like you, it seems to be draining less/less stool coming through, but not closed up. the outside hole is starting to heal, but i can still see the tunnel. i was hoping mine would just close up right away too, but i'll take a...
  13. F

    Arrrrgh mucus please help

    are you on any meds? i'm on remicade, and that has helped quite a bit, and also in the past few days have discovered the wonders of chamomile tea, which seems to be helping even more. have you talked to your dr about it?
  14. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    jill - i totally had that rectal pressure!!! i know exactly what that is like. i also had the mucus like you. it's the worst feeling. the day after i started remicade, the rectal pressure went away. i still have some amounte of mucus, but not like i did before. i also have a fistula, so i don't...
  15. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    sunshine, i'm so sorry you have to do those tests again. you must be so frustrated. did they do a ct scan on you? the kind where you have to drink a gallon of gatorade and then they scan you? space, sounds like frustrating times for you, too. i hope they check out your liver. i am having the...
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    i don't think immunosuppressants are wonderful. i think they're horrible and i hate that i'm on one and would like to get off it asap. but i also don't think that's it's as simple as, it's a bacteria.
  17. F


    yes, but you're still suppressing the immune system. like if you already have TB, if you take an immune suppressor, it's going to get worse.
  18. F

    The (mis)labelling of Crohn's as an autoimmune disease

    d-bergy, correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't lyme disease therapy a lot of antibiotics? how do you know that people with lyme disease don't get autoimmune illnesses due to the antibiotic therapy killing off all their bacteria, such that the body has nothing to fight except itself? causation...
  19. F


    grant, but if that were true, then why would these doctors who think this be trying to come up with antibiotic therapy and vaccines? if it's a bacteria that permanently alters your immune system, regardless of treatment, then why spend millions on a worthless therapy? and if it's something...
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    Twisted Bowel During Colonoscopy

    uh... i don't know cause i was out like a light for both of mine. but i do remember after the first one i had some bad pains on one side for a couple of days. like where the turn for your large intestine is. maybe they had trouble going around the bend?