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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. leloupaccroupi

    Rectal Fistula In Colonoscopy

    There's a good chance the blood in your stool was simply from the polyps, however it could just be from the fistula. If the fistula isn't connected to the surface of your skin, then it's most likely connected to somewhere else in your intestinal tract or other tissue in your body. That's...
  2. leloupaccroupi

    Need Reassurance - MTX

    Interesting, I was wondering about taking it before bed, but since my symptoms seemed to amass the day after, I figured it wouldnt really matter regardless. Either was, some well received advice! Thank you kindly Dana :)
  3. leloupaccroupi

    Need Reassurance - MTX

    Update *** I was certain I was having intolerance or rejection symptoms on Monday like I had in the past with Imuran. Went to UC, drank lots of water and gatorade through the duration of my stay. By the time I had gotten in my fever was starting to pass, heart had improved slightly and my...
  4. leloupaccroupi

    Need Reassurance - MTX

    Took my first dose yesterday, developed a little canker sore under my tongue but i'm thinking that could be due to sublingual b12 supplements, it's pretty much gone today. However I do have a pretty good headache today, not dizziness but disorientation. Not sure if I'm experiencing a fever or...
  5. leloupaccroupi

    Need Reassurance - MTX

    Thank you FrozenGirl! That does help immensely! I'm glad to hear you've found a treatment regime that works well for you :)
  6. leloupaccroupi

    Need Reassurance - MTX

    Hello all, It's been a while since I've posted or such like, I hope everyone is well! I just wanted to reach out to anyone who's been on or is currently on Methotrexate that's failed other immuno-suppressants. Namely Imuran. I'm one of the rare breeds that wound up with acute pancreatitis...
  7. leloupaccroupi

    Taking Marijuana

    I was raised in a very cannabis-prominent area (Vancouver Island for those of you know it) and used to indulge often, and heavily. I basically rid myself of habits when I went back to post secondary school, and now, any time I use any sort of sativa or anything not specically ultra-low thc/ high...
  8. leloupaccroupi

    Pressure on your left side

    I get pressure on my left side randomly and it comes and goes as well. Sometimes with gas, sometimes not.
  9. leloupaccroupi

    Imuran/Azathioprine/6-MP Support Group

    im sorry to hear what you're going through amigo :( Aza is quite the drug, one of the more toxic treatments prescribed for Crohn's if I'm not mistaken. I hope some effective alternatives are presented to you in all due haste! Hang in there and keep kicking ass!
  10. leloupaccroupi

    Remicade Club Support Group

    @stickman7755 Congrats man!! That's awesome to hear! I go for my second infusion on Tuesday, felt pretty good after my initial dose so I hope that trend continues! Keep us posted on your success and I hope you continue to feel great!!!
  11. leloupaccroupi

    Imuran/Azathioprine/6-MP Support Group

    Hey TammyR, I know the feeling of being one of the rare few that developed that reaction, I'm sorry to hear you had to go that. I hope you've recovered well and your hospital stay was brief. My GI's original plan was combination therapy with Aza and Remicade (Infliximab), however now that I've...
  12. leloupaccroupi

    Crohns and Addisons disease!!

    Not a problem Cat! I really appreciate the response, I can usually balance them pretty well but the recent hospital stay threw me for a little rocker with said balancing act :P Thankfully with the Addison's side being pretty treatable, I can find ways to supplement with medications accordingly...
  13. leloupaccroupi

    Crohns and Addisons disease!!

    Hi! I realize this is a relatively old thread but I'm a long term Addison's Disease patient who's just now been diagnosed with Crohn's as well and I tell ya, I was going to ask you the same question... How do YOU do it?! Also did you ever get answers about your potential Addison's? I just...
  14. leloupaccroupi

    Coconut water

    Do you have any specific brands that you enjoy? I'd really like to get away from gatorade as a source of electrolytes because of all the excess sugar.
  15. leloupaccroupi

    Extreme Fatigue Support Group

    I'm about to start remicade tomorrow and honestly a similar thought has been plaguing me, and ahs always been a major worry even if it's 'just a rare side effect'. The pharmacist and my GI were able to help shed some light on this situation, not only is an increase of 4 hundred's of a percentile...
  16. leloupaccroupi

    Over an hour

    I hear you man, it's my first day back to work and I think the stress alone along with being on a mostly liquid diet the last week or so has made it a big toilet day for me as well. Hang in there man!
  17. leloupaccroupi

    Crohn's with C-Diff Support Group

    Thank you very much for sharing both your story, and information! I'm sorry to hear it's been such a pain along with an already.. Hope all is well!!
  18. leloupaccroupi

    Are you on an IBD specific diet? I want to help!

    Ohhhhhh! Very interesting, I always assumed it was something that aggravated symptoms. I do suppose it's very much a personal reaction to it. My food journal has been dwindling lately, I think I'll pick it back up and experiment a little on the healthier side of cuisine!
  19. leloupaccroupi

    Imuran/Azathioprine/6-MP Support Group

    THIS Aza/Imuran is designed to suppress your immune system, the last thing you want is an infection. If you've had chicken pox before you might be okay since it's a predisposed immunity but definitely talk to you GI about it! Good luck :)
  20. leloupaccroupi

    Crohn's with C-Diff Support Group

    @Ann Morgan It's certainly possible to contract C Diff repeatedly, especially if you have IBD i believe your chances of contracting it are higher than the average person's. I was in the hospital this past week for pancreatitis caused by Imuran failure, I then contracted (I imagine) C-Diff...