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  1. ctrl z

    No Imodium on LDN

    Imodium is an opioid. If you take it while LDN is in your system then it won't work. I guess you could take it several hours after you've taken LDN.
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    My Quest for LDN

    I found in my records from the GI where she said my CRP was high in the ER the last time I went but there is no number :frown: I'll go to the hospital and see if they will pull up those numbers for me. Thanks for the suggestion!
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    My Quest for LDN

    Oops! I edited it to reflect what the normal ranges are. I wonder if I could get the test results from whenever I've been to the ER? I'll have to figure that one out.
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    My Quest for LDN

    Sed rate and CRP results came in the mail: Sed rate is 8 (normal range 0-20) CRP is .4 (normal range <0.7)
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    My Quest for LDN

    Thanks! Same to you :biggrin: ...and good luck with your GI. It seems pretty rare to find one that won't totally blow off LDN. Ideally, mine would be on board with what I'm doing but she's not so it is what it is. There are other ways to obtain LDN. Maybe since your GI believes in cannabis as...
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    MY supps for MY dis-ease

    I wanna give this Living Streams probiotic a try. I have a feeling my Jarro-dophilus isn't doing the trick.
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    My Quest for LDN

    Ha! That's awesome your doctor believes in cannabis as an effective anti-inflammatory. Well, at this point I'm more experienced with cannabis than the LDN :biggrin: I'm not sure how long it takes cannabis to reduce inflammation but it provides me immediate relief whereas it takes a while for...
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    My Quest for LDN

    Thanks! Yeah the prep is the worst part. I know the first time I did it, I wanted to cry! Blech. :frown: Great idea with the drinking game :biggrin:
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    My Quest for LDN

    Yeah. I don't trust my (former) GI. I think this disease should be monitored no matter what and she's just being difficult because I'm not doing what she wants me to do. I want to know if what I am doing is working. I WILL get my scope.
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    My Quest for LDN

    Every time it gets checked I've been using cannabis and it comes out normal. I haven't used cannabis in months (just LDN) so, that's a good sign. One time it did come up elevated and that was last fall. I went on a popcorn eating spree for like three days and ended up in the ER. :biggrin:
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    My Quest for LDN

    I just got a letter from my GI saying that my CRP and Sed Rate were "normal". I have no idea what the exact numbers are. I'm calling to request a copy of the results.
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    Moringa Oleifera

    I'd love to try it out. :biggrin:
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    Is Peppermint Oil Helpful for IBD?

    I don't use peppermint oil (I don't have the big D) but a friend that has difficulties with diarrhea (she has IBS) puts a few drops of peppermint oil in a large glass of water and claims it helps settle her diarrhea. I found this. It states: And from this: Here is what WebMD has to say...
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    Do probiotics really prevent C-diff and diarhea??

    S. Boulardii makes me constipated so I'd say that it does indeed harden the stool a bit. It's a great probiotic yeast. Kills candida too.
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    Possible cause of Crohn's Disease... Has anyone else read this?

    There are a lot of threads here about the MAP bacteria. I believe I read somewhere that about 65% of people with Crohn's test positive for this bacteria. I think there is a thread around here that mentions there is a antibiotic being tested for MAP elimination--not too sure about that one though.
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    Juicing Club

    I made a juice! :biggrin: baby spinach celery lemon ginger All organic. Refreshing!
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    I'm Afraid My Husband Will Divorce Me Due To MM Use

    I don't know. That's a hard one. Your health and well-being is definitely very important. It makes you wonder whether your husband would rather you be incapacitated by an illness or feeling better in your own body. It also seems like perhaps he doesn't realize the legitimacy of cannabis as a...
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    Please help me sleep

    Thanks for that link, wispy_moon. Looks like there is a lot of conflicting info out there.
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    Please help me sleep

    That's interesting. I've not had that problem. I take it often and sleep throughout the night. This shows that it can be helpful for IBD. I'm curious about what it could do to trigger a flare. It's just an antioxidant.
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    Please help me sleep

    What kinds of sleeping pills have you tried? Did you try melatonin?