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  1. CarolinAlaska

    NG tube and heartburn

    My daughter is on an NG tube again with peptamen 1.5. She is having heartburn that ranitidine is not helping with. Would it be okay to do Maalox or Tums? It is not EEN. She just can't get enough calories to sustain herself without it right now.
  2. CarolinAlaska

    IEP or 504

    Does anyone have a copy of an IEP or 504 plan for school that I can look at?
  3. CarolinAlaska

    10y. old son newly diagnosed, sed rate high for months

    I second that Humira should help the IBD and his joint issues. Don't worry about that!
  4. CarolinAlaska


    I think it is crazy that they took him off his meds when they had things under control and won't put him back on them when he gets sick again. WTH? By the way, is your son taking cefdinir, an antibiotic, when he had red/orange stools? That can discolor the stools.
  5. CarolinAlaska

    Undiagnosed Kids

    Feeling responsible for our children is a normal response, but remember that you didn't choose this for him. You are his biggest advocate and support. I know it isn't easy. I hope you all can figure it out quickly with the GI's help. I'm sorry you had to find us, but this forum is a great...
  6. CarolinAlaska

    Imuran/Azathioprine/6-MP Support Group

    When is a low white blood count worrisome? Should she be avoiding crowds, wearing a mask?
  7. CarolinAlaska

    Imuran/Azathioprine/6-MP Support Group

    I'm cross posting this from parents with IBD: Jae had blood work in the ER last Wednesday and her white count was 1.3. The next day it was 1.7. I think it was suppressed from a virus she had been fighting. She was then in the hospital (not GI related) and it was never checked again. The...
  8. CarolinAlaska

    Low White Count

    Jae had blood work in the ER last Wednesday and her white count was 1.3. The next day it was 1.7. I think it was suppressed from a virus she had been fighting. She was then in the hospital (not GI related) and it was never checked again. The hospitalist who discharged her said that she...
  9. CarolinAlaska

    Another year older and a new Dx.

    I'm glad she is finding things that work for her.
  10. CarolinAlaska

    CT scan - some thickening of proximal duodenum?

    Wonderful news, Niks! I hope she finds the right settings quickly!
  11. CarolinAlaska

    Izzi update...

    I'm sorry she's not doing as well. I hope a dose adjustment does the trick.
  12. CarolinAlaska

    Undiagnosed Kids

    Yea for a break from doctor appointments.
  13. CarolinAlaska

    Where we are now and how freaked I am

    Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
  14. CarolinAlaska

    CT scan - some thickening of proximal duodenum?

    Yes, it is baffling. We must not lose hope. I hope that Jaime is finding ways to be strong through all this. Let her know we are cheering for her and hoping/praying the NHS will approve her stimulator quickly!
  15. CarolinAlaska

    Where we are now and how freaked I am

    To be honest, all they ever do with GI is scopes. They only ever look at her through IBD glasses. I have had her tested for allergies. She has a very limited diet that she'll eat due to pain, which mostly consists of GF mac and cheese, rice and potatoes. She eat a few well cooked veggies...
  16. CarolinAlaska

    Where we are now and how freaked I am

    She has constant right lower quadrant pain that worsens with cramping, etc when she eats. She has had diarrhea most of her life but seems to have one or two soft stools now. It is rare to have nausea. Lately she has been very fatigued, running low BPs with tachycardia. She lost about 10-15...
  17. CarolinAlaska

    Where we are now and how freaked I am

    Yes, they did. Only one was abnormal and she said a certain percentage of normal people had that finding in tht location. Unfortunately neither the scopes nor the pill cam visualized the terminal ileum where the pain mostly localizes.
  18. CarolinAlaska

    CT scan - some thickening of proximal duodenum?

    Whatever happened with the elevated PTH and seeing the endocrinologist?
  19. CarolinAlaska

    Where we are now and how freaked I am

    Update on Jae. Her scopes and pill cam came out clean again. GI says her issues are not from her Crohn's. She thinks that is well managed and in remission. She recommended pychiatry, but we're already seeing psychology and she's already on medication for her depression. This week she is...
  20. CarolinAlaska

    Just realized it has been 7.5 years since diagnosis!

    Is her pain worse with menses?