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  1. CarolinAlaska

    Four years today

    No. I complain about the hole and swelling of the rectum and painful defecation and difficulty passing gas, and this is their solution. I'm really frustrated. The complaint was over the phone. These inaccessible docs!!
  2. CarolinAlaska

    Just realized it has been 7.5 years since diagnosis!

    Oh, poor girl. I hope she is feeling better.
  3. CarolinAlaska

    Four years today

    We did a pelvic MRI just before Thanksgiving. It showed "mild inflammation". I don't know why she isn't just scoping, except that Jae has this new hole on her anus now since our last visit and maybe is checking for fistula or abscesses? What gets me is they want us to find our own surgeon to...
  4. CarolinAlaska

    Four years today

    So they called yesterday from GI and said that her Prometheus test was too high (which is making her WBC too low) and they want her to lower her 6MP to previous dose. For the rectal pain, they want her to continue the melamine enemas and find a colorectal surgeon in our area who does rectal...
  5. CarolinAlaska

    Four years today

    She just woke up at 3:30 am with the "worst abdominal pain in 4 years". Thankfully it relieved with a BM and Digestzen. She took a tizanadine for good measure and is back in bed with a heating pad.
  6. CarolinAlaska

    Four years today

    I'm waiting to hear back from both Neuro and GI. She has also been referred to new Neuro and new GI for second opinions. She is overall better without the seizure meds but still having seizures and her rectal issues not resolved.
  7. CarolinAlaska

    Four years today

    A little better having stopped the seizure medicine, but still having pain after meals and still having ano-rectal symptoms. Weight back down to 116 (down 9 lbs now).
  8. CarolinAlaska

    Four years today

    Today is the 4 year anniversary of the first pediatric GI visit she had before being diagnosed with Crohn's. It was the first time any doctor suggested Crohn's might be the problem. It was the first time we weren't blown off for her symptoms. She was 13, 5'1" tall and 68 lbs. She could...
  9. CarolinAlaska

    Traveling to India

    Does your father in law have active TB or has he been treated and no longer active. I don't think any of you should go if he has active TB.
  10. CarolinAlaska

    Success Stories

    I remember when Jaedyn and Jack had so much in common. Your doctor switched him to Remicade and my daughter's doctors are still not making the move. Your son is doing great. My daughter is still suffering. I wish we had the same success story... I'm really glad for your son's success...
  11. CarolinAlaska

    More Little Pilgrim's Progress

    You can ask the pharmacist.
  12. CarolinAlaska

    Where we are now and how freaked I am

    Three nights have gone by with her new seizure med. Today she was very tired. Tomorrow we increase the med to twice a day. Dose is still very low. She reported not being able to think clearly enough to do her schoolwork on Friday. I think she may have had another seizure this morning. I am...
  13. CarolinAlaska

    Lucy Update

    Aw! Dangit!
  14. CarolinAlaska

    Time for a lawyer. Part 2

    :(. For us too. I have to start all over applying again.
  15. CarolinAlaska

    My Daughter has been struggling for a year now

    IBS is a term used too frequently. It should require a thorough work up to rule out other bigger problems first, but many docs go the other way and make you prove it is more... It's maddening. In these cases I think IBS means I BE STUPID (referring to the doc being too stupid to figure it out).
  16. CarolinAlaska

    Time for a lawyer. Part 2

    Have you tried to get her Medicaid for kids with chronic disabilities as a backup? In the past this was a lifesaver for us when the insurance denied things like EEN. It is a pain to fill out all the paperwork and takes a couple months, but well worth it for matters like these.
  17. CarolinAlaska

    Where we are now and how freaked I am

    So far Jae has had two nights of her new seizure med. Yesterday we went shopping and went to a little coffee shop and discussed having a little shop like that some day. It was good for both of us. Last night she started her new enema. Here's hoping it will make a huge difference!
  18. CarolinAlaska

    Lucy Update

    Poor Lucy! I have no experience, but I sure hope it works.
  19. CarolinAlaska

    Haleigh's Hope CBD oil Log

    How is this going?
  20. CarolinAlaska

    Where we are now and how freaked I am

    She has been at a better place. Right now I was just informed by her that things are trending down and I am concerned because of what happened with seizure meds in the past. I will be doing some more research to figure out who she can see.