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  1. C

    A possible cure?

    Basically my chrons is close to spreading to the part of my small bowel that absorbs nutrients. He said if they have to remove ot your life expectancy is very low. How long did you try carnivore and lion diet for? What's your diet now? I'm awaiting the hard copy of my mri scans before and after...
  2. C

    A possible cure?

    Iv had chrons for 27 years. Numerous drugs and trials, had my large bowel and rectum removed about 20 years ago. Nothing the NHS has offered has helped. 12 months ago I was in and out of hospital and on infliximabe which didn't help. I was told if my chrons spread anymore my life expectantcy was...
  3. C

    Carnivore diet.

    Brilliant thanks il check it out 😀
  4. C

    Carnivore diet.

    If you google search it all the links pretty much warn you away from red fatty means, thats why you have to dig deeper and find the studies that prove otherwise. It can pretty easily be debunked. It's just wether you have time to really look into it. Look up Dr Paul Mason, Dr chaffee or Dr...
  5. C

    Carnivore diet.

    Everyonev You make a valid point, however red meat has been shown to contain all the nutrients needed for humans. The bioavailable nutrients in veg is far less than that of meat. I'm not saying don't eat veg etc but you can live a long healthy life on eating meat, there's plenty of studies to...
  6. C

    Carnivore diet.

    Azathioprine and infliximabe. And I'm very sure, I feel like crap on them. Iv never felt so good on carnivore. Iv had my large bowel and rectum removed and have an ileostomy which has been good for me but this is next level.
  7. C

    Carnivore diet.

    Thanks for all the advice. I'm only 8 weeks in but excited to see how things turn out
  8. C

    Carnivore diet.

    Iv had my bloods taken recently my inflammation markers where normal, that's normal for someone without chrons. Iv done alot of research and the only diet that seems to touch auto immune disease long term and short term is the carnivore diet. Iv tried many things and they haven't worked.
  9. C

    Carnivore diet.

    Sounds good, I'm glad it's working for you and helping for so many. I wish it was more widely known about. I told my specialist im doing carnivore and he wasn't impressed, but it's working for me so I'm sticking to it. I'm even going to stop my medication. I also have no plans to reintroduce...
  10. C

    Carnivore diet.

    Hi everyone I hope your all going well. Has anyone tried the carnivore diet? It's basically no carbs, only red fatty meat and water. I have chrons disease, iv had my large bowel and rectum removed. Iv been on numerous drugs which don't seem to help. After a week on carnivore all my pain went...
  11. C

    Protection for Stomas?

    Great thanks
  12. C

    Protection for Stomas?

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask this as I'm new. I have a Stoma and use a 2piece system. Does anyone know if its possibe to buy a hard case that goes over the colostomy bag?.. My reason for needing this is so I can go paint balling etc. Thanks..