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  1. Rebecca85

    Please help what is this pain

    I had my scope after being on IV steroids and a 30mg taper (scope done around 20mg I think). And they clearly saw ulcerations and biopsies confirmed Crohn's inflammation.
  2. Rebecca85

    UK Hospital Blood tests

    Isn't it wierd how different areas have such different policies on something as simple as a blood test?
  3. Rebecca85

    UK Hospital Blood tests

    I don't go to the city hospital for blood tests, just the small local one (which has free parking if you can find a space, which you can at 7:30 as the main hospital doesn't open till 9). It's more or less opposite my doctor's surgery, which is why they send people there for bloods.
  4. Rebecca85

    UK Hospital Blood tests

    Oh yeah, even the phlebotomist wishes the OAPs would come in later because they take so long (walking after name is called, chatting, difficulty finding veins etc) that she knows she will have a huge backlog to clear!
  5. Rebecca85

    UK Hospital Blood tests

    My GP won't do blood tests. You have to go to the hospital. And while I'm friends with the phlebotomist, it gets me nice treatment in there but I have to take a ticket same as the others.
  6. Rebecca85

    UK Hospital Blood tests

    What- all those OAPs are waiting for starved tests? Not buying it- at my hospital 'starved' tests get priority- you inform the nurse when you arrive and you jump the queue.
  7. Rebecca85

    UK Hospital Blood tests

    Do you have a local (town) hospital rather than city or main hospital? I go to the nearest town, and there are usually about 10 people, or a 30 minute wait. They open at 7:30, so I'm usually at work for 8:30-8:45 even after battling the traffic. Although it is annoying when 9/10 people in...
  8. Rebecca85

    Flexible Sigmoidoscopy during pregnancy?

    I think so- looking at pics of internal organs during pregnancy the intestines kind of go up and over rather than behind baby picture here
  9. Rebecca85

    Late Period

    Possibly, I think stress can also cause late or stopped periods.
  10. Rebecca85

    Moving to UK? What's the healthcare like?

    Here is some basic info for internatiinal students, about the NHS and how it works As Bld says, non emergency treatment is not great, 4 months is the average time I wait to see my...
  11. Rebecca85

    Late Period

    I know that periods can be affected by weight or weight loss, so it's conceivable that your flare may have delayed your period. Especially if you lost weight, are anaemic or not absorbing food and nutrients properly.
  12. Rebecca85

    Flexible Sigmoidoscopy during pregnancy?

    The intestines can be seen- like I said, I had an ultrasound which showed up intestines that looked 'like sausages'. I have no idea what the tech meant by that, but that was enough evidence to get me a CT scan of my intestines, which then got me a probable Crohn's diagnosis, which was confirmed...
  13. Rebecca85

    Flexible Sigmoidoscopy during pregnancy?

    Just had a thought- I had an ultrasound of my abdominal organs whilst in hospital, which first raised the red flag for some sort of intestinal problem. Could you ask if that is a possibility for you? Am I right in thinking you were diagnosed with undeterminate IBD, in which case you only need to...
  14. Rebecca85

    Can crohn's be treated without the use of medication?

    Not all drugs are 'not natural' and 'work against our body'. For example, take prednisolone. It is a glucocorticosteroid. I looked up the definition of glucocorticosteroid for those that aren't familiar. glu·co·cor·ti·coid Cookie(glk-kôrt-koid) n. Any of a group of steroid hormones, such as...
  15. Rebecca85

    Flexible Sigmoidoscopy during pregnancy?

    I think for a flex sig you normally have some sort of enema rather than drinking the prep like a colonoscopy, since they are only looking at the end of the large bowel. Personally (I am 16 weeks pregnant by the way) I would want to know why she wants to do the scope, can it not wait 6 months...
  16. Rebecca85

    Pentasa - kidney/back problems?

    I would make an appointment to see the doctor. They should check your wee and arrange for a blood test to check your kidney function. Don't worry about wasting their time- it's their job! And it's always better to be safe than sorry!
  17. Rebecca85

    Trying To Conceive (TTC) Support Group

    Fingers crossed for you! But to be fair, you've only been trying around 4 or 5 months? I read that 50% of couples will conceive in the first 6 months, and 85% in the first year of trying. So at 4 months there must be more couples not conceived than have. Besides, make the most of the trying ;)
  18. Rebecca85

    Low Residue Soup Recipes

    Forgot to say- peel the veg because most of the fibre is in the skin.
  19. Rebecca85

    Low Residue Soup Recipes

    I make a vegetable soup with mainly root veg- so potatoes, carrots, parsnip, swede, and onion or leek. All diced small and cooked together in just enough vegetable stock to cover. You can add some black pepper, herbs and spices, tomatoe purée if you can tolerate it. Simmer for as long as...
  20. Rebecca85

    Nausea and vomiting

    I'm wondering if possibly you have bad acid reflux? I have a hiatal hernia leading to reflux, and that is how mine presents itself. I don't think you are truly vomiting since the stomach contractions are strong and forces the vomit out of your mouth- and it's usually more than a mouthful. Also...