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  1. Dutch941

    Izzi update...and hello!

    By the way.....when are we doing our New York State/Toronto get together??
  2. Dutch941

    Izzi update...and hello!

    awesome news! I think of All you guys often! I'm glad I haven't had the need to bug you all for sometime, but I should try to stop by more often than I do! Hope Izzi is still doing great as of this writing.
  3. Dutch941

    Kinda freaking out...son is newly diagnosed

    Hi. Sorry you have joined our very exclusive club! I wont add too much technical info as it seems the others have given you a lot of great info. There's some good news for you that I'll deliver. First, You found the absolute best source of information other than your GI. These folks...
  4. Dutch941

    Just dropping by!

    Just wanted to get on and say hello to everyone...... I am still enjoying my sons remission and haven't been on for awhile... Hope everyone is doing as well as possible! Don
  5. Dutch941

    12 Year Old Son Might Have Crohn's - Need Advice

    Mother of 2, Welcome and so sorry to hear you are going through this. Your story is very close to my sons. He was 12 when diagnosed after similar circumstances as your son. Fear not. A positive outlook is absolutely essential. For starters I'm not sure why your dr thinks crohns unless he...
  6. Dutch941

    Desperate to help my diagnosed baby sister

    Welcome JUJU sorry to hear about your sister. I too was facing the decision to put my son on remicade. I know how scary it can be....I was nervous enough approving 6 MP. We were fortunately able to avoid Remicade, (for now) but I agree with above posters that you should thoroughly...
  7. Dutch941

    Mom Freaking out...puting 11yr old son on 6mp

    Hi Majko.....welcome to the club.. I too was introduced to this affliction when my son was 11. We are in the ulcerative Colitis club, however, and luckily not crohns.... We too took prednisone first along with pentasa and 6 mp was next. I also was quite worried about 6 mp. Taking both is no...
  8. Dutch941

    Interview with Dr. John Cannell of the Vitamin D Council (

    Update....I did put Matt on 2000 IU of vit D.....tested after about 6 weeks and he is now at 50 (up from 29). My GI was not concerned with 29.....but I feel much better in the 50s. I'm thinking of reducing the supplement to 1000 day....and see of it Maintains or keeps climbing
  9. Dutch941

    Urgh. Matt update

    Hi all. Sorry again I have been only excuses are that we have been very busy lately and fortunately Matt has been doing very well so I haven't had any questions to ask all you geniuses. I should be visiting more often to check in on people and help others where I I...
  10. Dutch941

    Newly diagnosed

    Hi Lori. So sorry to hear about your daughter.....I know all too well how you are feeling and I think you hit the nail on the head when you stated that you were glad it was wasn't something much much worse. It's a balancing act off emotions because on one's plenty bad enough...
  11. Dutch941

    Izzi update...

    That's awesome news! So good to hear!
  12. Dutch941

    Urgh. Matt update

    Yeah.....I'm certainly not letting my guard down....because I still have some cautious doubts...but it should at least allow us to relax a bit ........ I'm still very aware that upon discovery his colon was a complete hot mess from top to bottom....and when that happened there wasnt that many...
  13. Dutch941

    Urgh. Matt update

    Well great news. Matt's discomfort is over return pain and No reason to believe its a flare up! But it gets better....had a lengthy discussion with GI about my concerns with his labs....he explained why a strange number here or there in the grand scheme of things doesn't alarm him as...
  14. Dutch941

    Izzi update...

    Wow. That is a lot on your plate. I would be worried at this point if they were being driven by him. It must be very scary wondering if he's safe to drive when his license was intact and he has the kids. Keep your head up!
  15. Dutch941

    How are the parents of kids with IBD coping?

    That's interesting...I wonder why we weren't prescribed asacol? Since his inflammation was all in the large intestine. I'll ask tomorrow. Thanks MLP
  16. Dutch941

    How are the parents of kids with IBD coping?

    Ginger....I see your dealing with Crohns so I want to repeat that my son who has seen good things with pentasa is suffering from only UC....I believe pentasa has not had much success with Crohns.....I'm assuming this is because it releases when it gets to a certain PH and likely only helps the...
  17. Dutch941

    How are the parents of kids with IBD coping?

    Yes..continue the's quite mild when compared to other medications...the pentasa works simply by releasing within the colon and coating the interior inflammation...we used both and when the 6 mp failed we simply continued with pentasa. Aside from unique circumstances I believe...
  18. Dutch941

    Impact of diet on IBD for 5yo

    I would say contact the GI nurse..and be prepared to stand your ground because it seems a lot of docs don't seem very concerned about these things. My lab won't send results to me so my GI always keeps a copy waiting for me to pick up. In a nut shell iron and ferritin are a bit...
  19. Dutch941

    Impact of diet on IBD for 5yo

    Henrietta, How low is the iron count? How but the ferritin levels? Hemoglobin? We too have very slow movement in iron levels and ferritin...but GI says they return to normal VERY are his numbers moving in a positive direction? ARe you supplementing?
  20. Dutch941

    Urgh. Matt update

    Back to school today and complaint free. Phew.