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  1. Dutch941

    Low Dose Naltrexone

    Interesting....if you don't mind me asking is your GI a typical GI? Or more of a naturalist type dr who favors homeopathic remedy? Small office or big university Hospital? Just curious because so far it seems like most people have had to kick and scream to get LDN..and you are the first I've...
  2. Dutch941

    Low Dose Naltrexone

    PS..I'm know what you mean about not wanting to use 6mp....but I must say...we have been using it now for aBout 6 months...having some minor liver issues which will hopefully resolve in the next month......the results for us have been good. Our son has severe UC which had dominated his entire...
  3. Dutch941

    Low Dose Naltrexone

    Sascot.... Currently..the best way to get info on LDN is by googling it and reading info from dr Jill smith at Penn Far I believe hers is the only pediatric study that has been done.....I would not hold your breath waiting for more studies because from my research I believe the...
  4. Dutch941

    Izzi update...

    That's great to hear!
  5. Dutch941

    Liver enzyme concerns

    Ang, We had the discussion briefly when we first discussed the possibility of 6mp failing.....we're not quite there yet because 6mp is still promising.....but the discussion was basically the same outcome as yours...he is not interested in trying LDN....says he personally would not prescribe...
  6. Dutch941

    Liver enzyme concerns

    I have been following the milk thistle for a bit now....we have a whole bottle in the cabinet....unused.... Reason: In addition to its alleged liver healing potential it also is alleged to effect puberty....apparantly it somehow effects hormones in a way that may affect puberty..what we cant...
  7. Dutch941

    Izzi update...

    How's she doing Angie? Better I hope....?
  8. Dutch941

    Liver enzyme concerns

    He takes citracal...1100 IU ....he was ordered to take oscal D...but I learned (possibly from one of your posts??) that it is wise to take magnesium to aid in vit d intake..and oscal d has magnesium as well.... It's been awhile since it was tested..I'm guessing it's significantly higher than...
  9. Dutch941

    Liver enzyme concerns

    Will do......we do a d supplement as well as a b12 supplement....I'll have All checked with next labs. U mention they're important in Crohns s...what about just UC?
  10. Dutch941

    Liver enzyme concerns

    David, I went through every lab...we do check vit D every so was low during active inflammation but is Improving now that he is test was 32....... By now should be even better. We have not had folate or b12 checked...I did ask for it once and the doc poo poo'd it ..if...
  11. Dutch941

    Liver enzyme concerns

    Ok..I should clarify....we haven't been told psc is an's just something that came up as a remote possibility and it shocked me as I hadn't heard ofit this point everything indicates a minor 6mp toxicity but doc did mention that possibility as psc does affect UC patients...
  12. Dutch941

    Liver enzyme concerns

    Also...I mis typed his was much better than previously 365 I'll edit the original post
  13. Dutch941

    Liver enzyme concerns

    1. Did they do TPMT testing prior to utilizing 6-MP? If so, what was the result? 2. Was ALT, AST, or both elevated? And were they tested BEFORE the start of 6-MP to find his baseline? 3. With the elevated 6-MMP have they brought up the idea of lowering the 6-MP dose and adding Allopurinol...
  14. Dutch941

    Izzi update...

    :(. Poor izzi.. Hang in there.....maybe it will just pass .....
  15. Dutch941

    Liver enzyme concerns

    Thank you.....again.....I'm jumping the gun a bit....because no reason to believe I'm dealing with this.....but I like to research possibilities before they happen...seems to make understanding the dr a little this point bilirubin is normal...knock on we believe it's...
  16. Dutch941

    Liver enzyme concerns

    Thanks ...I appreciate your insight....enjoy your vacation!
  17. Dutch941

    Liver enzyme concerns

    Thanks.....I'll ask about the WBC then.. We did research EN..not something we think will work out at this point given his age..
  18. Dutch941

    Liver enzyme concerns some positive labs this week for Matt ....but of course they come with the usual Put on your thinking caps everyone as I'm seeking some knowledge again! So the labs.....we have had an issue with high liver enzymes and that has not the good news.... Prometheus...
  19. Dutch941

    Liver enzyme concerns

    UC ws the finding by clinical diagnosis and Prometheus was just another test to help confirm that finding so the dr was not relying on that alone. My understanding of WBC is that 6mp not oly could depress the WBC but is supposed the low WBC doesn't bother me....just seems to be way...
  20. Dutch941

    Today my heart breaks.

    Welcome deanna..... Please know you're in good hands here with lots of helpful people going through the same things and having the same feelings....I know a few "moms" mentioned the helpful moms here but I want to add there's a "dad" or two as well! feels like just yesterday that...