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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. mikeyarmo

    Do you get your blood work results?

    In the past I have not asked for a copy of the result of my blood work, but for the first time I have requested a copy of the bloodwork I had performed last week. Similar to what others have posted, I want the ability to track my own results as even though a test might come back normal, there...
  2. mikeyarmo

    Hi everyone I was here awhile ago~

    Hi Mary, Thanks for coming back! Nice to hear from you again and to see that Humira is really working for you! We have a dedicated Humira forum that you may want to check out. I am sure our member's would appreciate you sharing some of your experiences and knowledge of the drug. Hope to...
  3. mikeyarmo

    Operation Success

    Congrats on your successful operation perky! I am glad things have worked out for you and appreciate that you let us know how you were doing.
  4. mikeyarmo

    How much fish do you eat

    I have started trying to eat fish at least 2 times per week to increase my omega 3 intake. Specifically I am eating canned Sardines as thehealth benefits of Sardines for people with IBD has been discussed on the forum. This type of fish is lower in the food chain, so overall eating them should...
  5. mikeyarmo

    Hitting bottom (pun intended!)

    Welcome to the forum Firework! I am really sorry to hear about your current situation. It sounds like you are going through a pretty stressful period trying to sort everything in your life out. As Crohn's can affect the entire digestive tract (from mouth to anus) it is hard to really know which...
  6. mikeyarmo

    Hello again!

    Hello again Bld :). Sorry to hear that things have not been going too great over the past couple of months. Hopefully the colonoscopy helps find you a more effective way to treat your Crohn's Disease. I assume you are in the UK as I believe that is where the NHS is used (correct me if I am...
  7. mikeyarmo

    Great news for me!

    Congrats Manzyb! Glad the wait is finally over and I hope that remission is able to be achieved through this treatment.
  8. mikeyarmo

    New to Site Hello

    Welcome SomethingIsMissing! Glad you have been enjoying the forum. I agree there are some truly awesome people here! Hope we get to learn more about you and see you around the forum more often going forward!
  9. mikeyarmo

    Hi all, my story to date

    Welcome to the forum Rickgren! I am sorry to hear about all the trouble you have been having over the past few years. Crohn's impacts people in many different ways. While you may have read up on people who suffer from diarrhea, constipation is also a symptom that impacts a minority of people...
  10. mikeyarmo

    Cost of treatment in Australia

    Hi Tom, It sounds like you have a really interesting opportunity to emigrate! It is smart that you are looking into treatment costs now as that is something you will certainly want to have figured out prior to leaving. I have no knowledge of what Remicade costs in Australia, so hopefully...
  11. mikeyarmo

    CHALLENGE: Take a walk each day

    I walked to the post office and back home to pick up my new passport as my old one had expired. It was relaxing and even motivated me to get started on some work that I have been dreading that is not due until May.... better to try and get it over with now then let it linger!
  12. mikeyarmo

    Diet vs Drugs

    Hi AllanH, I am glad to read that you are effectively controlling your condition through diet, exercise and stress management. I think that a lot of sufferers would agree that these all have an important role in managing one's condition; however this is not something our medical practitioners...
  13. mikeyarmo

    Can exercise/activity be bad?

    I find that if I exercise to aggressively (either too much in one day or too much over a series of days without recovering) that I can get cramping or other symptoms. After physical exertion all bodies need time to rest and recover. I think everyone is a bit different in terms of where their...
  14. mikeyarmo

    Starting Humira

    Welcome to the forum babcakes! I assume you also were suffering some symptoms more recently to help the doctor conclude it is no longer responding? While I have personally never been on Humira, we have a dedicated Humira support and information forum that I encourage you to read through and...
  15. mikeyarmo

    I'm breaking up with my GI....

    Hi KellyMom, It is important that you get along with your GI so good for you for making this decision. Sorry to hear that you did not have much luck with our doctor review area. The CCFA has a listing of physician's in different cities and states you might want to check out. Just so you know...
  16. mikeyarmo

    Stiff joints

    Hi Cosmic Dave, I believe that people have had success releiving some of the pain from stiff joints using Omega 3 supplements. Taking fish oil or flax seed oil daily will increase your Omega 3 intake, which can reduce the amount of inflammation in your body. You can read more about Omega 3...
  17. mikeyarmo

    Crohn's chronic fatigue remedy. Provigil/ Nuvigil

    Hi Alex, Sorry to say that I have no personal experience myself. Hopefully someone else who has tried it can share their personal experience with it.
  18. mikeyarmo

    My 5 cents for how to deal with crohn

    Welcome jussip! Thanks for sharing your story with us. I am glad you have found success controlling your Crohn's Disease through diet primarily. I am also taking 5000 IU of Vitamin D3 in the winter. Today was a real treat though as it was a record breaking day in terms of temperature and I got...
  19. mikeyarmo

    Gummy vitamin alternatives?

    Hi Angie, I have had a liquid multi-vitamin before. I was recommended this as it was thought to be easier to absorb while I was flaring. I truly do not remember the taste, but it might be something your daughter does not mind. I have seen liquid vitamin D drops that I imagine are flavorless or...
  20. mikeyarmo

    A concerned parent

    Welcome to the forum! As David said it seems very strange for a doctor to suggest that dairy will lead to Crohn's Disease. I really do wonder they came up with that information. Yes additives and preservatives are hard to avoid, but it becomes a bit easier if you focus on fresh (or frozen)...