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Crohn's Disease Forum

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    Let's Talk Poop

    Iron hurt my son's stomach, so everyday he instead has a green smoothie, pureed lentil soup, WITH something containing vitamin c to make it more absorbable. Last night he had SCD cheese toast, lentil soup, a "SuperGreens" smoothie and a banana-mango smoothie. (Mango has a lot of c).
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    Pet peeves about people's thoughts on IBD

    When my daughter first became ill, I thought she was anorexic, too. And she just kept telling me that she wasn't, as she was disappearing into nothing. She was too embarrassed to tell me that she'd been pooping her brains out. :(
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    Imuran and RLS

    I've read masturbation helps with RLS.
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    Let's Talk Poop

    Before son's diagnosis, he said you could see food in it, but I never saw it. Now that he is in remission, it's a 4 and it only takes him 5 or 10 minutes to go.
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    Pet peeves about people's thoughts on IBD

    ^Not to mention, it can cause cancer.
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    Pet peeves about people's thoughts on IBD

    I'm so sorry. :( My own mother wasn't concerned or sympathetic when I needed a c-section, but she was very concerned and sympathetic, when 6 weeks later, my husband got a vasectomy. To me she said, "I'm sure you'll be fine, honey." To him she said, "Yikes! Are you sure you're up for this?"
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    Incredible E

    We're still doing the SCD, but my son is not gaining weight. We've just added lentils, to be followed by other beans and that will be a calorie boost. If he doesn't start gaining now, we will have to do something else, obviously. The SCD is unfortunately not the amazing "cure" for my son that...
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    Pet peeves about people's thoughts on IBD

    I breastfed all of my children and 2 of them got Crohn's. One was bf about 8 months, the other a year and a half.
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    Liquid diet

    We're actually looking for someone now. Not because of his fear of food, so much as everything. He hurt himself eating whole fruits, so he wants everything blended up and so far, he's been willing to eat lots of weird things - or I should say, drink them. His diet hasn't changed, other than...
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    My son hasn't complained of back pain yet, but he occasionally has pain in his fingers and ankles.
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    Low Fiber/Residue Diet Support Group

    Son did fine with the lentil soup, so we will be trying other beans soon. :) Very happy, because he really needs the iron!!! My lentil soup recipe is an old family favorite that just happens to be SCD legal (when you leave out the potatoes). So, it has the added bonus of being a familiar food.
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    Faking Crohn's

    My kid doesn't do anything he doesn't want to do right now. Seriously. I know that he will be an adult soon enough and have to deal with a lot more, but right now I'm going to baby him. The other day, he didn't have the energy to check the mail. Lol. But, I notice that he has energy to do...
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    Low Fiber/Residue Diet Support Group

    And fiber, even in this form makes the body have to work hard, or ? I'm trying to give my son the fiber and nutrition he needs, without stressing his body too much and without risking a blockage. And smoothies and purees seem to be the answer. Or am I wrong? So many low residue foods are off...
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    Low Fiber/Residue Diet Support Group

    Can pureed beans be considered low residue?
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    My son is really sick throwing up again

    Coaches push kids too far sometimes. One of my daughter's friends has permanent damage from playing basketball in high school. They often have children do things that they shouldn't. Glad he's okay!!!
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    Low Fiber/Residue Diet Support Group

    Although my son is on the SCD, I try to include lots of legal, low residue foods, so he doesn't get too much fiber. He doesn't eat nuts, but he eats nut butters (so far only almond and pecan). And last night he had lentil soup - pureed. These were his first lentils since getting sick, so I...
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    My son is really sick throwing up again

    I'm so sorry! I hope your boy is okay.
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    When do you change to an adult GI

    I thought millennials were children until they hit their LATE 20's. :lol:
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    Is Crohn's disease hereditary

    A biologist friend of my husband's said he thinks the rise may related to the fact that we no longer have to fight parasites in our bodies, so our bodies turn on themselves. Up until about 50 years ago, people had worms etc. *shudder* Neither my husband or myself have Crohn's and we have 2...
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    Just Overwhelmed...

    Crohn's is the lamest roller coaster ever. "I feel good, let's go to a movie" :) After his shower, "Actually, I think I'm too tired":( "I had a good poop":) 5 minutes later "My stomach just doesn't feel right":( "I'm really hungry":) "It just didn't taste good to me." :(