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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. M

    How do you get it when it isn't legal? Growing and making oil.

    Anybody growing their own and making their own oil? I am new to this site and it has been most helpful.. I live in N.C. Of course Mj is illegal here, but I don't care. I have enough places to grow. I am not interested in getting high but am wanting to make Simpson oil. I need a good...
  2. M

    Looking for Info on Humira and Other Questions

    New member here. 62 years old. Crohn's for 44 years. 9 resections from age 19-31. No ostomy but have had short bowel for 32 years. NO MAJOR FLAREUPS FOR 31 YEARS. Raised a family (4 children), held a steady job,and lived a "normal" life for 31 years. Truly a blessed man. Now I have a...