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    Cimzia Newbie !

    Dam! Oh T. & Gab!!! I am with Dusty on this! I have seen shingles a lot because of my work. It is very very itchy & hurts too! It is not uncommon to find it in " the underware area " ! As for the med interaction call a pharmacy & talk to a pharmacist tomorrow!!! Even look on the net for the...
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    Claire Update - Scope Weds

    Julie wow you have been through it all! I know the blood scared Daniel. But I am sure as you describe it his was nothing compared to your little Claire!!! I hope you get answers & relief for her soon!!! NO child should have to go through this! I hope your Birthday girl will be feeling better...
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    Finally!!! Humira today!!

    Dex oh how frustrating!!!! As you say at least he is feeling OK! It's a good thing when our kids feel that way! But still you want to know his blood likes how he is feeling!!! Brian'sMom my DIL was on Remicade I think her insurance paid somewhere around $13,000 a dose. The last 2 times she got...
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    Undiagnosed Kids

    T while reading this a thought came to mind about what Daniels GI Dr. had said. Sometimes kids can be real sick but have not much pain. They either have a high tolerance or their labs a are just not showing it. I am not saying this to scare you but when learning CPR & other various things in...
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    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    Ahhh Dusty! I am glad he is feeling better! I will say that it is amazing how the regular bugs can make them so sick! Daniel with the strep really freaked me out. It never seemed like strep with all the bad nausea & "D". The last time was 30 times in 24 hours! I hope it ends up being some run of...
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    Undiagnosed Kids

    T! Mom has said it the best! I couldn't agree more! Radchic too! No we don't want our gut instinct to be right! BUT we do want our children to be treated when they are sick not hemmed & hawed over! Not to mention it's all in "YOUR HEAD" type of response DX! The Dr. is sounding too wishy washy! I...
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    Undiagnosed Kids

    Tracy....I am with you all today in heart! It has been quite a road less traveled but so very ruff for us. I may seem strong but believe me I do loose it! As I said before humor gets me through! In fact I have to chuckle at that. You could call me a mighty Minnie at just around 4 ft. 9 in. Tall...
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    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    Aww ((((((((((Dusty))))))))))....I am with ALL the rest! I am hoping it's just some bug! It is scary! Know we are with you in thoughts & positive vibes for the run of the mill gunk!
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    Undiagnosed Kids

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((T)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Oh sweetie I know this is so hard! Denial away! Whatever you need to do! I am with you!:Karl::hug:
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    Undiagnosed Kids

    Well here goes.....Not sure where to begin? I will start with my oldest John. I asked him yesterday when he started having pain or symptoms & he said in Middle School. But I never knew anything till he almost graduated! On my husbands side of the family they always dubbed the stomach troubles as...
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    Guesses anyone?

    ((((((((((((((Julie))))))))))))))))) & ((((((((((((((((Claire))))))))))))))))))!!!! I am so hoping you get some news that makes things get back to some normalcy!
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    Undiagnosed Kids

    Big Big Big HUGS MOM! It is so hard with so much that you are going through! Soon, Soon, I hope all is known so you can have your answers! One of these days I will write about my boys. It might be a book though! Sheesh! I am sure you all feel like that with what has gone on & with what continues...
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    I'm Proud Of My Child Because......

    MumofOli.....It is wonderful what our kids can do! But it is truly amazing that they can do it going through all they have! Great Job Oli & Mom! Well as some of you know I went through the double scope a few days ago. When I was in the middle of my prep & not doing too good with it. My Daniel...
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    Bowel Prep Horror!

    Dusty....:rof:!!!! Actually that scenario didn't even cross my mind!:ywow: More like you "TRYING" to walk around with twisted toes fingers in twisted hair with crossed eyes!!! Tee he he he! Twisted A##Sets!:rof: Mom....Back to work tonight so I better get it together! I am not sure if it's...
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    Bowel Prep Horror!

    Mom thanks for the Hug! I am resting as much as I fact all alone for a while! Ahhh enjoying the quiet! :rosette1::hug: Dusty your skillz amaze me! :awe: :worthy: LOL!!! I am picturing solitare "Twister" .... it's a game that is played in the US....but with more than 1 person. Surf...
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    Bowel Prep Horror!

    Well it's all done! I had a narrowing in my esophagus just above my stomach & they opened it with a balloon. That's what I expected. The colonoscopy showed one small polyp & was removed. My Dad & my son Micheal both have had polyps removed. So I knew there could be a possibility that I could get...
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    A few questions for parents...

    Ps. Not sure about your state medical assistant policies but Crohns is a disability. We were able to get MA for Daniel. It's a lot of paper work but worth not having to worry about another thing when it should be focused on our children. My main insurance pays the bulk of it & the MA comes along...
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    A few questions for parents...

    Izzi so glad you found us! As my guys are/were bigger when DX with Crohns. I am not sure about the med ?. But as for the testing they test again if there are symptoms starting up again. I know it's hard to our babes getting poked & prodded a lot. But it is necessary. Years ago when my Daniel was...
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    Dusty Fan Club!!

    Ahhhh Dusty you so deserve this! I think Dex is secretly in awww of you! Lol You go Girl!
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    Bowel Prep Horror!

    :puke_r::puke_r::puke_r: My eyes are not floating now. Not sure what to do now??? Didn't think it would be a problem! Guess I will call the Dr. in the am before I go in. Again sorry Mom didn't mean to worry you. Some days I feel like the girl in the exorcist with spinning head & some one else...