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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. N

    Barely holding on !

    Good point @gram214. I have enough joint pain that I wonder if it would benefit me. Hopefully I'll keep doing well on Humira.
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    Barely holding on !

    I hadn't even heard there was a quick infusion option. And a different drug? Does that make it an option for people with antibodies to the others?
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    Overweight with Crohn's Support Group

    I'm fairly newly diagnosed and have been overweight for about 5 years. I've realized that every major attempt I had made in the past to "get healthy" Probably threw me into a simmering flare. I'd feel worse; not better and eventually give up or just Peter out. I'm going to try to keep things in...
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    Does Anyone Have Crohn's without Frequency/Urgency?

    If I go twice in a day, I want to have a poop party for myself. If I skip a day, it's pretty miserable and seems to be because I let myself get dehydrated.
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    I out kefir in my smoothie every day. I think it's still a pretty low dose of probiotics compared to other fermented foods but it's still good!
  6. N

    Your first diagnosis appointment,,,what did you forget to ask

    Welcome. I'm new to Crohn's as well. I started with Mesalamine too as I was tapering prednisone. I wish I'd been braver about Imuran or biologics because it ended up pretty severe. I'm on Humira for good now and relieved!
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    Low Fiber/Residue Diet Support Group

    I've been low residue since Feb and am just introducing fruits & veggies. Am I probably correct in assuming this is why I'm having reflux/heartburn sometimes? I've been off heartburn meds all summer and now might need them again?
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    Humira Club Support Group

    Since the middle/end of May @fissure2 I've read (here) that it can take up to 4 months to fully kick in.
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    SCD/Paleo/GAPS Support Group

    Thanks Hugh. I haven't read the links bc I'm waiting for the chance to actually get to a computer. Didn't want to leave you hanging!
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    Humira Club Support Group

    I think Humira has officially kicked in for me and I'm feeling normal! I'm testing out different foods, eating almost anything I want and feeling great. I've even had a few beers the past couple of nights (my parents had the kids, we went on a few dates) and haven't even felt so much as...
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    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    I was eight weeks post partum when I had my last one put in. I don't remember cramps but I did have bleeding & spotting for six weeks!
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    Humira Club Support Group

    And that stuff is hiding everywhere!
  13. N

    Humira Club Support Group

    You're right, I've read a lot of that theory too, just finished The Perfect Health Diet. Very interesting stuff.
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    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    I'm thinking of having a mirena placed to lessen the issues with my period. I've had one before without issues.
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    Humira Club Support Group

    Yes, I seem to do fine with meats @fissure2 I'm not totally gluten-free, just cutting back. I don't have a reason to think I'm gluten intolerant so I'm not cutting it completely.
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    SCD/Paleo/GAPS Support Group

    I'm sure it varies brand to brand but I'd imagine that yes, there are unhealthy additives. Even if you look at a recipe for grain-free breads & baked goods, they're FULL of nut flour.
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    Humira Club Support Group

    I think mentioned this in my original post but I'm feeling better every day. I started Humira in May so it took a while to kick in. I cut back on wheat a week or so ago too so that's probably made a different at the same time. Yay!!
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    Humira Club Support Group

    I was totally the same about meds. It had been years and years since I'd taken abx before diagnosis in Feb. So in regards to the infections, yes, that part sucks. Take precautions and vitamins and try to accept that risk. Regarding the cancer risk, that really freaked me out. I have three young...
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    Humira Club Support Group

    What are the bad things you've heard? What are your main concerns?
  20. N

    Good video on microbiome

    Maybe if we keep talking about it, more and more progress will be made: