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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. R

    New member facing surgery

    Yes hopefully lapro is easier- I assume you did not loose the valve or sufficient length to give you absorption or looseness problems..
  2. R

    New member facing surgery

    Thanks for your input. was your original resection small or large bowel?
  3. R

    New member facing surgery

    I am a 57 year old UK male that was diagnosed about for years ago. I have had 2 strictures in the small intestine all this time and suffered regular abdominal pain in both the left and right and also periods of significant bowel and bladder urgency. I assume the latter is due to compacted...
  4. R

    Anyone had low inflammation but still have symptoms?

    I have two strictures just above the illeocal valve - for 4 years now. Despite calproctine of only 11 or 12 and no inflammation showing in the bloods I have been experiencing increased level of pain from stuff trying to get through the strictures...they said they must have turned fibrotic and...
  5. R

    Dealing with anxiety

    So JMC how did the resection go? I am facing same thing soon and would like to know if you felt it was worthwhile. I have 2 strictures in ileum but far enough away from the valve that they should save it.
  6. R

    Diagnosed at age 50 & over Support Group

    So do we really think that as "late- onsetter's" we tend to have a less aggressive desease than the younger folks? And if we end up having a resection for fibrotic strictures despite several years of no inflammation that we have better chance of longer remission and lower maintence drugs post...
  7. R

    Strictures constipation and urgency

    Hi Folks I am a 57 year old UK based male diagnosed with Crohn's 4 years ago at which point two strictures in illium were confirmed. A course of Pred brought things under control and pain was occasional after eving meal but fine durin the day. Having had a year of office work refurbing a house...