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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. kimmidwife

    Youngest daughter in a flare

    We did all the protesting and are waiting for the results. The Humira is supposed to come in the mail on Tuesday. Meanwhile she started having high night fevers and bad stomach pain. I am trying to figure out if the fevers are definitely Crohn's related or if she is just getting sick. She...
  2. kimmidwife

    Nose Bleeds

    I k ow this is an old thread but I am bringing it back as we are struggling with nosebleeds again. Wondering if maybe it could be from the methotrexate? She is also really struggling with migraines.
  3. kimmidwife

    10y. old son newly diagnosed, sed rate high for months

    I agree with the others. His sed rate should not remain elevated for months. Either the 6MP is not working or something else is going on. Hope you get in with a rheumo quickly
  4. kimmidwife

    Think I Need to be talked down.

    Glad she is feeling better! Hopefully all is well with her.
  5. kimmidwife

    Starting Cimzia

    Glad it went well! fingers crossed for good results for her!!!
  6. kimmidwife

    Low White Count

    That is terrible. We are also waiting all week for a call back. It is very frustrating.
  7. kimmidwife

    Youngest daughter in a flare

    We did not have a good appt today at all. My little one lost three pounds and the doctor is insisting we start Humira. She has had marked improvement in her ankle pain and has nor been complaining of stomach pain as much. I asked him if we can check one more fecal calprotrectin prior to starting...
  8. kimmidwife

    Question about 'solid' stool

    Definitely sounds like she has something going on. I would ask for a full set of labs and make sure they check a fecal calprotrectin.
  9. kimmidwife

    Happy Mother's Day 2017 USA

    Farmwife I love this idea! This was actually one of my best Mother's Day yet. We had a really nice weekend! Hope Yours was great too!
  10. kimmidwife

    Fecal Transplant?

    Hi my daughter did have one for recurring CDiff. It worked great for it but did not help her Crohn's disease. I have never heard of anyone getting sepsis form it and I am a retired nurse practitioner and did a ton of research before agreeing to it. Our doctor has done a bunch of them on kids who...
  11. kimmidwife

    Another go at SCD

    We switched my daughter to the oral methotrexate and she is much happier with it.
  12. kimmidwife

    Another go at SCD

    Always nice to hear good news. I also have to agree with the others to take it slow and don't rush to lower the methotrexate. But I am really happy she is doing better!!!
  13. kimmidwife

    Newly diagnosed-- lots of stress--looking for more holistic approach

    We too had the same thought process when we started this journey. Our first daughter was diagnosed at age 11 and is now 19 and our younger daughter was diagnosed at age 7 and is now 8. We have tried every alternative out there. The shakes were very hard to drink my daughter dod it for six weeks...
  14. kimmidwife

    Another year older and a new Dx.

    That is great news and glad the remicade went smoothly too! Finger crossed for her!!!!
  15. kimmidwife

    A is 12 - Update!

    I am sorry she is having such a rough time. We are going through the same issue with weight and Caitlyn just had a G tube placed two weeks ago. It hasn't been so couple of rough days in the beginning but it is better now. She hasn't gained weight yet but the doctors are happy she hasn't lost...
  16. kimmidwife

    Possible new drugs on the horizon

    MLP, But that is what they are trying to figure out and why they are testing for it.
  17. kimmidwife

    Possible new drugs on the horizon

    This article discusses a new biopharma company in Israel working on some really promising drugs for Crohn's. It includes a drug that works on the MAP bacteria that is currently in clinical trials.
  18. kimmidwife

    Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Support Group

    I wanted to update on my 8 year old. It has been a few weeks on the increased dose of 5mg. Her mouth sores have healed up and her joint pain has been a lot better as well. Fingers crossed that she continues to do well and her next fecal calprotrectin is decreased.
  19. kimmidwife

    Just realized it has been 7.5 years since diagnosis!

    FW, They are going to change her to a Mickey button in June the one we have now can't be changed out. She is doing mentally a lot better. We went out with it a few times.