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  1. kimmidwife

    urgent, Need some advice on my younger crohnie

    Thanks Sudsy, We actually jut got home from the GI doctor. MRE was normal. We have a lab scrip to check for a UTI.
  2. kimmidwife

    Heard from Doc today

    This new doctor sounds amazing! I hope you get some time to tour around. That part of California is gorgeous. Keep us posted on how it goes.
  3. kimmidwife

    urgent, Need some advice on my younger crohnie

    Got the results of the fecal calprotectin back, it was still less then 16. So we have an MRE scheduled for tomorrow to see if we can figure out her pain.
  4. kimmidwife

    urgent, Need some advice on my younger crohnie

    I just wanted to update. We did the repeat fecal calprotectin last week and are awaiting the results. Meanwhile she keeps on complaining about her stomach. I am hoping we get the results tomorrow. I plan to call tomorrow and demand they do a scope or an MRE or something. It is not fair for her...
  5. kimmidwife

    Update on my Sarah

    Where is she heading next? Does she have a plan yet?
  6. kimmidwife

    Cold, Flu's, Oh My!

    Oh that is not good! A good multivitamin is really important and probiotics help to fight bacteria as well.
  7. kimmidwife

    New Formulation of Humira

    Any update on when this new formula will be available in the USA and is there any name change or something we should ask for?
  8. kimmidwife

    Update for A

    I am so sorry she is having such a hard time. It seems like our kids just can’t catch a break. I hope she does okay with the subq fingers crossed for her!!
  9. kimmidwife

    Heard from Doc today

    Glad to hear the update! Congrats on your move. I hope both of them continue to do well!
  10. kimmidwife

    H's Brother

    Sorry you are dealing with all this. Itmis not fun having a second one with issues. Let us know what the GI says.
  11. kimmidwife

    urgent, Need some advice on my younger crohnie

    MLP, Nothing has helped. No MRE yet. I am going to call tomorrow and insist. I can’t take her crying on pain it is breaking my heart.
  12. kimmidwife

    urgent, Need some advice on my younger crohnie

    Forgot to update. We saw the doctor on Wednesday not our regular one but his partner who knows us somewhat. We are repeating the fecal calprotectin. And we will see what happens.
  13. kimmidwife

    H's Brother

    Caitlyn has low bone density from being on PPI’s for way to long. She is now on Zantac and carafate. Her last few scopes her esophagus has looked really good.
  14. kimmidwife

    urgent, Need some advice on my younger crohnie

    Got the medicine it is called Allinia. I also am going to ask him to repeat the fecal calprotectin to make sure there was no lab error.
  15. kimmidwife

    urgent, Need some advice on my younger crohnie

    I thought about that. Hopefully if it is a UTI this will clear it up. I keep asking her if it hurts when she pees but she says no.
  16. kimmidwife

    urgent, Need some advice on my younger crohnie

    Finally spoke with the GI this morning. Her fecal calprotectin was not detectable. Her lowest prior to this ever was 200. He thinks she might have some kind of infection going on he is sending a prescription for a new medicine I have never heard of to the pharmacy he said it is like a stronger...
  17. kimmidwife

    Young Pilgrim's Headaches

    I have to second Maya. Do not allow a chiropractor to adjust a child’s neck. Pilgrim, Unfortunately there is a huge link between IBD and chronic headaches. I would ask for a referral to a neurologist.
  18. kimmidwife

    urgent, Need some advice on my younger crohnie

    We decided to call the doctor first thing tomorrow morning. We are really trying to avoid the hospital if we can. I will update tomorrow.
  19. kimmidwife

    urgent, Need some advice on my younger crohnie

    Lady Organic, She is not feeling any better. Farmwife, We have not yet had her checked for it. I suspect she does though.
  20. kimmidwife

    urgent, Need some advice on my younger crohnie

    Thanks Maya. I feel the same way. Have to push her doctor who still hasn’t called me back. I have a feeling we are heading to the hospital in the next day or so. She is getting Humira tonight. Then I will see how she feels.