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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. kimmidwife

    Another year older and a new Dx.

    Wishing her the best with the MRI! Glad you found a local homeschool group. We love our local groups.
  2. kimmidwife

    How important is AST?

    I agree with the others Tess. It is not a test I would want him to forgo. That is just crazy. Keep us posted what the GI says.
  3. kimmidwife

    Just realized it has been 7.5 years since diagnosis!

    Still no appt. she has been having worse and worse pain. I am just so fed up. Maya, We aren't back home yet but if we don't see the doctor in Ohio before we get home we will discuss that with her doctor.
  4. kimmidwife

    Just realized it has been 7.5 years since diagnosis!

    PDX,Thanks for asking, My younger daughter is much better but still has a slight cough. I am putting the Humira off a couple more days. Planning to give it to her Wednesday. Fingers crossed that she is 100% by then. Caitlyn is not doing well at all. I am not sure the Stelara is working. She is...
  5. kimmidwife

    New diagnosis for 15 year old son

    Hope he gets feeling better fast!
  6. kimmidwife

    ET Medical Supply Companies

    We also use Coram for my daughter. She uses peptamin 1.0 she couldn't tolerate the 1.5. I am so glad your insurance will start covering it. Our insurance covers it partially. We still end up paying about $170 a month.
  7. kimmidwife


    Dancemom, Glad they have stopped. It really,sounds like the Bactrim was causing it. Maybe a rare side effect?
  8. kimmidwife

    Twins with Crohns

    I have two daughters diagnosed with Crohn's but they are not twins. They are 10 years apart in age. My o,dear was diagnosed at age 11 and the younger at age 7. It is not easy having two with Crohn's but like you guys said I think my older one feels it's nice not to be so alone with this.
  9. kimmidwife

    Another year older and a new Dx.

    Hi Farmwife, We homeschool and love it. I have five kids total and my oldest two graduated homeschool. We use an online school program called time4elarning. The kids really like it. Then we also do a lot of reading as well and some extra workbooks. Please feel free to PM me with any questions...
  10. kimmidwife

    Just realized it has been 7.5 years since diagnosis!

    Saw a wonderful pediatrician today who it just so happens she did her residency where I used to work at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Manhatten and I knew her! Anyway she is not concerned about the lymph node. She thinks it is from shaving. We justbneed to continue to watch it and make sure it doesn't...
  11. kimmidwife

    Just realized it has been 7.5 years since diagnosis!

    Maya, She is doing about 85% formula and 15% food. She eats tiny Amounts at dinner and the rest of the day is on the formula and overnight. She can't tolerate more then four cans a day. At this point we have tried everything even the Reglan. She started having really bad stomach pain again the...
  12. kimmidwife

    Just realized it has been 7.5 years since diagnosis!

    Hi Maya, unfortunately Erythromycin didn't work for her and she started having side effects almost immediately from the domperidone which freaked her out and she didn't want to continue with it. I am trying and trying to get her in to see the motility team in Ohio again. Her doctor has to send...
  13. kimmidwife

    Just realized it has been 7.5 years since diagnosis!

    Finally spoke with the doctor today about the lymph node. It was not our doctor but someone else in the practice. He basically blew me off. Meanwhile her stomach pain when eating solids is very bad again and her nausea is horrible as well. Why can't my baby catch a break?
  14. kimmidwife

    Just realized it has been 7.5 years since diagnosis!

    I hope so! The doctor of course never called back. 😓
  15. kimmidwife

    Just realized it has been 7.5 years since diagnosis!

    MLP, It was a sudden enlargement and it seems to be shrinking already. I am going to check it this morning and depending on how it looks call the doctor.
  16. kimmidwife

    Just realized it has been 7.5 years since diagnosis!

    Probably about 2cms. No colds in the past two weeks. We don't have cats or go near them as I am very allergic. We are not near any of our doctors for another month, I will call the GI tomorrow just to see what they say.
  17. kimmidwife

    Just realized it has been 7.5 years since diagnosis!

    Trying not to freak out. We noticed a swollen lymph node in the top of the groin area. How worried should we be about this? Caitlyn is on Stelara and methotrexate.
  18. kimmidwife

    Just realized it has been 7.5 years since diagnosis!

    Thanks Maya. It is confusing knowing about the different tubes. Caitlyn took this past year off so I am hoping she will feel well enough to start at least a few classes. She will be working one day a week at a small theatre teaching kids. She did it last year and loved it.
  19. kimmidwife

    Just realized it has been 7.5 years since diagnosis!

    Maya, She doesn't want to go to college right now. Still working on convincing her. She still hasn't gained and her nausea is much worse. She feeds during the day and at night. When we get back home we have to speak with her doctor about retesting for the gastroparesis again to see if it is...