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Crohn's Disease Forum

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    Brainwave Optimization

    An update: Still going well. I now attribute Isaac's continued success to the azathioprine--Imuran. Another little guy like Isaac who seemed to suffer nearly identically also had a nearly identical response to Imuran which took almost 6 months before inflammation really cleared up. It so...
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    Brainwave Optimization

    Going great still. I know it's only been four months sine Isaac's health turned around, but things are going great and we are really really appreciative. We are continuing the sulfasalazine and Imuran.
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    Brainwave Optimization

    Well, I want to carefully report our latest update, which is wonderful and positive in the sense that Isaac is in remission according to our doctor, and for the longest time in the past couple years we are not even scheduled to go back in for 3 months. But I am starting this report under a new...
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    FMT --all in

    Well, we are postponing fecal transplant therapy for now. We are in a good stretch for now, which I'll report on a new thread about brainwave optimization.
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    Diet v medication

    It seems like for Isaac things that change up his diet help change his symptom level, at least a little, at least temporarily, but we haven't found a winning solution that works for much of a long term. We thought we had by eliminating soy, but then we observed that it wasn't that simple. He...
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    FMT --all in

    I will keep you posted of course!
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    FMT --all in

    We're getting closer and closer to going all in with this.
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    Would LOVE to make a new friend!

    I am from the bottom of Idaho, but nowadays way down in Texas!
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    Matts Story

    Nicola, same sentiments as above. Best,
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    Worried about Azathioprine.

    Our son is on it at therapeutic levels and everything has been fine. At the beginning, you will need to pay attention to bloodwork to check out how your body responds. The scariest medical side effects happen soon but the bloodwork can indicate it and the drug can be stopped. After it is...
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    Matts Story

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
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    Diagnosed with UC 5 days ago...

    Diarrhea is a common symptom of UC. Diarrhea itself doesn't cause ulcers. Gas problems come up because of digestive/absorption issues. Inflamed intestines are not an ideal place for our gut microbes to do their work. Loop of Poop, Houston, like us! I might suggest you attend a CCFA meeting...
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    New to the forums!

    The first part of your story sounds familiar, and also not that good. But hooray for remission!
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    Microbial diversity

    microbial diversity I was glad to see this study and I'm looking forward to more like it.
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    Oh, this is the first time I have been to this particular subforum, as usually I am on the parents and kids subforum, but Isaac has UC so I'll have to check it out more. From my understanding, 5-ASA (at least orally) doesn't seem to be good at inducing remission. Steroids (like prednisolone)...
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    We got approved for a second opinion!! YAY!

    Yes, waiting to hear your opinion on your second opinion....
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    Matts Story

    Nicola, my goodness, god speed to the best of health for your little ones and some solace to you! I am curious to hear more of your story. I'm going to look now to see if you posted more details elsewhere! @christopher's mom, hello and welcome! Please start a new thread and tell us more...
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    Pentasa Opinions

    We have 5-ASA by way of sulfasalazine, and it's compounded in liquid form. I'm with Mark above that it's so much more benign than other stuff out there. As for effectiveness, ours didn't seem to be doing the trick at a low dose but was upped slightly a couple months ago and so far so good...
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    Amusement Parks one more month.