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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. T

    5yrs old and starting Sulphasalazine!!

    Actually Isaac was diagnosed in 2010. It looks like I need to amend my signature.
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    5yrs old and starting Sulphasalazine!!

    Welcome. Yes, check out our blog for a myriad of details. You can take this one way or another, but the active component in sulfasalazine is almost exactly like aspirin. My beef with it is that it uses a sulfa drug to get the medicine to the bowel area. The sulfa drug is an antibacterial...
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    When my wife first got pregnant, it seemed like the first few weeks or so we were buzzing like bees trying to figure out every little detail about pregnancy, childbirth, how to raise our children, and how to send them off to college. Then time slowed down and by and by we understood how nine...
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    Educational Seminar in Atlanta

    I will definitely look forward to attending something like this in Houston or elsewhere close if possible! Thanks!
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    Educational Seminar in Atlanta

    ...hoping to hear how it went today?
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    Educational Seminar in Atlanta

    Logistics says no. But I will be oh so curious to hear the latest about probiotics.... Are there some Atlantan CCFAers who can look into video-recording these talks?
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    Potty Training

    Will he eat rice? That first change we made in our diet, going with an elimination diet which was mostly rice at first really helped. Luckily for us, Isaac would eat his fill of rice, and we could put "safe" foods with the rice to help nutrition but also to systematically observe what...
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    Educational Seminar in Atlanta

    March 26? Oooh, I'd like to go to.... Let's check with logistics and see...
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    Worried Mom

    Everyone already gave you the best advice. I especially pushing some probiotics. There is some tasteless dissolvable acidophilus et al that you can put in a drink. The best for our son was a big old capsule of sacchromyces boulardii, and unless you're really brave with gently shoving pills...
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    Potty Training

    Echoing earlier replies, sorry to meet you on here. But I'll be honest, it's exciting in a way to meet others going through something so similar. Actually, I just wrote a blog post which had to do a little with potty training. Our Isaac "got it" a few months into our diagnosis and treatment...
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    My child has Crohn's

    Yes, welcome! I'll say more over in the parents' section!
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    New Concepts in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Colitis

    nothing like some light weekday reading material.
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    Sick in Nepal

    What are you eating? Heal well.
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    Partner hoping for answers...

    Addiction. Intervene.
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    Update on my juicing test project

    Inspired, I'm on craigslist, finding all sorts of good juicer deals...
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    Natural Remedy For Crohn's Disease

    That hubpages site actually has quite a lot of good stuff where people connect (like on this forum and share insights and observations. Thanks--I'll make some links to it from our blog! Father of Isaac, dx UC in 10/2011 at 29 months old Read details here:
  17. T

    New and confused

    It seems like you can't go wrong with an elimination diet of eating only rice and unseasoned potatoes suddenly, then slowly (although possibly after one day, or poop cycle,--depending on your body's response--you can begin) introducing foods or foodtypes and keep track of your body's reactions...
  18. T

    Endoscopy clear!!!! awaiting biopsy results

    I see now... yes, a diary is great, and you'll especially appreciate it later (even only months later).