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    IBD Standards

    What is this "Do Once and Share"?
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    Struggling with juicing

    But not as hard core as steroids/injections/resections right? In my son's case I got a different perspective because he had to swallow liquid forms of medicines because he was a little too young to take pills. He wasn't thrilled about choking down medicines three times a day either, but after...
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    Endoscopy clear!!!! awaiting biopsy results

    The GI (gastro-intestinal) tract is the tube which connects your mouth to your anus. Except for the area in the back of your throat and also the pathway to your lungs, it's a closed tube system (except at the level of absorption). This means nothing that goes in the tube gets out, unless it's...
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    Endoscopy clear!!!! awaiting biopsy results

    What are his sinuses like?
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    Endoscopy clear!!!! awaiting biopsy results

    I understand that with the young'uns, they use an endoscopic instrument (smaller) to perform the colonoscopy. They did that with our son too, a scope from both ends... What I don't get is where the blood and mucous is coming from if the GI tract is clear. It couldn't just be from the mouth...
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    Struggling with juicing

    Rebecca85, if it has such good effects, you could plug your nose and pretend the celery juice was a shot of medicine. Troy Father of Isaac, dx UC in 10/2011 at 29 months old Read details here:
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    Other strange symptoms...CD related or not?

    Our son always had sort of flaky toenails. Now that he's doing better bowel-wise, his toenails are also looking better. So I wonder: have any of you noticed a similar connection? Troy Father of Isaac, dx UC in 10/2011 at 29 months old Read details here:
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    3 year old with crohns?

    Isaac is about a month younger than yours and is recovering now from his first big experience with ulcerative colitis. He never had solid poop until a few months ago when we started treatments for the UC. Also, he didn't seem to experience joint pain like that, but just (presumably) cramping...
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    wiki Oh! So, I was checking out the wiki work and it looks like a good resource with a lot of potential. For all of you who have opinions/stats about diet and nutrition and health apart from pharmaceuticals, it looks scant in that area, so there's a lot of room for development there. And...
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    Okay, I'm going proactive with my diet

    Yeah! Is it too soon to ask for an update?
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    What's your theory on how you got Crohn's Disease?

    Plus, the obvious, Boloby: thinking about what causes it may help eventually find causes and lead to optimum treatments and cures. But all in due time! How not to make it worse may very well be enough to focus on!
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    What's your theory on how you got Crohn's Disease?

    I hear a lot about mono triggering IBD.
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    Diet v medication

    Thanks all. This is the sort of feedback I like. I think I saw some people don't tolerate juice. But I wondered what sort of juices they tried and for how long and if they were trying fresh juice exclusively and so on.
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    Diet v medication

    To keep the thread going, some posts mention nutrition, or ignorance of nutrition. Here is where I hope people would post some "basics" for IBD. If you, reader, feel like IBD patients should know something about diet/nutrition, please post here. I'm curious. Troy Father of Isaac, dx UC in...
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    New - Looking for information

    Mamawith2, our Isaac had bloody mucousy diarrhea for a couple months after more than a year of "benign diarrhea"--actually he just never had solid poop. Blood work showed a high sed rate, which indicates inflammation, so we knew there were inflamed bowels. He seemed healthy, nutrition-wise, so...
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    Update on the Holistic Route

    Piatchi, you beat me to it, just as I was highlighting the same quote. The thing is, something like this is the overwhelming message out there in conventional health care. What they should teach, it seems, is that it matters exactly what you eat, but that so many people react to so much in...
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    New Here but not to my disease.

    Welcome Kyle.
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    Diet v medication

    I wanted to add, Dexky, that because Isaac is robust and seems to get all of his nutrient absorption in his healthy small intestine, it has been a luxury that should not go unstated that we were able to give him food and if he wasn't hungry for it, we didn't need to worry about letting him get...
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    Diet v medication

    It's a good question! Luckily one of Isaac's favorite foods is beans and rice. When he is flared up, we go for low residue, which means more rice and less/no beans. But when he first went all-vegan (we did a bunch of things at the same time), his poop/bathroom experience got better right...
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    Update on the Holistic Route

    I realize there's a wide spectrum of cases out there, and I don't want to discount those stories which are just uphill battles, but I really like to hear about the cases like yours Shannon to help with perspective. Also I wish we could get peppered with the invisible sector of IBD stories which...