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  1. Mehita

    Sharp pain when sitting - what could it be?

    Strictures can sometimes produce ribbon like stools. When my son had his, he really didn't have other symptoms until the stricture was really bad, but prior to it becoming bad, he had the ribbon like stools for a good six months before we started putting the pieces together. Unfortunately for...
  2. Mehita

    Gum issues related to IBD?

    I haven't called yet. In good motherly fashion, I sent DS several choice gum disease photos to try and gross him out. He asked that I give him two weeks to improve his dental hygiene before I call anyone. I didn't know that about mtx. Thanks for the info!
  3. Mehita

    Trying to Gain Weight

    My son likes the Boost Plus and Ensure Plus drinks. They have 325-350 calories per bottle and he says they taste like chocolate milk. Othwerwise, there is a product called Benecalorie that you can add to regular foods and drinks that ups the calorie content.
  4. Mehita

    Sharp pain when sitting - what could it be?

    "Flat" stools would make me wonder about a stricture??
  5. Mehita

    Thinking about going on Remicade

    My son was inpatient when he had an abscess and fistula (amongst other Crohn's symptoms) and was started on Remicade during that stay. Halfway through is first infusion, he asked for food. Whoa!! By his second infusion, all of his labs were normal. By his third, he was in clinical remission and...
  6. Mehita

    Gum issues related to IBD?

    It is gingivitis. I'm wondering what may have prompted it all of a sudden, aside from him only brushing once a day versus twice since school let out. The only other change I can really think of is he added the methotrexate back in May. I'm guessing it's not related...?
  7. Mehita

    Undiagnosed son suffering for 7 years

    What about juvenile dermatomyositis? Symptoms can involve inflammation of muscles, which could also affect bowels. Seeing him trying to walk in that first video reminded me of my friend's daughter who has dermatomyositis. It took doctors a long time to dx her because it's not a very common...
  8. Mehita

    Gum issues related to IBD?

    Does anyone know if red gums around the teeth has any correlation to Crohn's, Remicade or methotrexate? A side effect maybe? DS' gums are very red. Like when he smiles you have to take a second look because it almost looks like blood, but it's not. He says they don't hurt or anything. Just...
  9. Mehita

    Any Kids feel great after scopes?

    When DS was younger, age 8 and 10, he'd feel great after scopes, but after his last one at age 16, not so much. He was very weak and tired. Maybe a teen thing? Needs all those extra calories and things now? Like the others have said though, enjoy it while it lasts!
  10. Mehita

    IBD baby relapsing all the time

    Has Celiac been ruled out?
  11. Mehita

    GI wants to increase Remicade dose

    I think part of the beauty of Remicade is that you can play with the dose and schedule to meet your child's needs. DS was at 5mg/kg and 8 weeks for several years, but kept petering out around week six. When we tested him, he had zero Remi in him at 8 weeks, which explained a lot at the time. Now...
  12. Mehita

    Remicade and antibodies

    So, malorymug, your son showed antibodies at one time, but didn't in later testing? My son had that happen and I have yet to find an explanation why antibodies would decrease. Do you have any insight? DS does Benedryl, Tylenol, and Solumedrol before each infusion because a year ago tests...
  13. Mehita


    My son was dx'd with both Celiac and Crohn's. An endoscopy is the gold standard (in the US) for confirming Celiac, so you might be able to kill multiple birds with one stone, so to speak, if you go ahead with scopes. They can look for blunted villi to validate the Celiac disease diagnosis, but...
  14. Mehita

    Waiting for diagnosis...

    Is there a reason why they're not doing scopes instead of an MRI? With scopes they would biopsy and then you'd have an answer.
  15. Mehita

    Meal ideas for fussy kids

    There is also something called Benecalorie that you can add to foods. We've never tried it here, but I believe DanceMom as. If I recall, her daughter didn't care for it much.
  16. Mehita

    First infusion done

    So glad it went well. Cheers to many more!
  17. Mehita

    Teary mama, sleepy boy

    What happens is you flat out ask, "Is this Crohn's disease"? Does it even come up in discussions? So sorry you and your son have to go through all this.
  18. Mehita

    Undiagnosed 11yo daughter - frustrated

    Has she been tested for Celiac Disease?
  19. Mehita

    What to choose 😕

    Are home infusions an option? Of course there are pros and cons there as well, but I know some insurance companies (in the US) are starting to push this.