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  1. AJC - Australia

    Eggs do not like me

    Hi David, Is there any more news about eggs and crohns? I found i didnt have a problem with them, as a child. Since crohns, since 3 resections of the terminal ilieum, i have issues. I no longer eat them. But i wonder - maybe there could be something to do with the removed gut not being able to...
  2. AJC - Australia

    Eggs do not like me

    glad i found this. I gave up eggs a few years ago…they always gave me problems. I love the taste of them! Love eating them….but they give me weird motions. I might try cooking them in other ways to truly rule them out once and for all, but who knows - maybe i can stomach them if i find a way to...
  3. AJC - Australia

    Thoughts please

    good luck with the abscess. NO FUN. Hopefully they drained it and it healed ok for you. Often it is a wise move to include more fibre in your diet if you get such a thing…like eating apples, nuts, cabbage, lettuce - FIBRE, can help. good luck
  4. AJC - Australia

    How do you push on?

    I can't believe in this day and age that you cant get a diagnosis . … quickly. If you are in the Western World, they should be able to ram a scope down your throat, or up the other end, take a biopsy and let you know inside48 hours!!!! If you have lost 50 pounds, you would think they would pay...
  5. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    well said Himoura. I concur. coffee, alcohol, sugar and wheat = big no no for me. particularly sugar. sugar is so mean, you get the sugar rush, - gives you a tiny bit of energy, which is nice…but long term it messes with you. forget processed sugar!!! cocacola, fizzy drinks are a BIG no no...
  6. AJC - Australia

    Research into MAP as the cause of Crohn's

    for someone like me, who has been on inflix for 8 years, you stuggle with should you keep taking it or not….i think the MAP thing keeps me thinking i should stay on it. thanks JMC
  7. AJC - Australia

    Research into MAP as the cause of Crohn's

    I read this ^^^^ as 'if you are on infliximab and semi ok, dont go off it.' thoughts? I wonder how the MAP progress is going ---> g'day from OZ
  8. AJC - Australia

    Do I have a obstruction, blockage, gas, or something else?

    pressure in rectum could be anything… can you describe it in more detail? is it when you go to the loo, after the loo, during eating, while sitting down? etc. I went from 10mg a day - for a week. then 5 mg then 2.5 then 2.5 every other day… then every 3 days, 4 days... it really was a...
  9. AJC - Australia

    Having 'the *****'

    Most people i have met with crohns, myself included, are pretty grumpy about the world. Be this as it may, I have found that it makes me feel better to 'let it out' when something upsets me…..when i was younger I used to internalise it…these days, in my 30s, i let it out…..i dont let it fester...
  10. AJC - Australia

    Do I have a obstruction, blockage, gas, or something else?

    hey Bleigh…sorry to hear you are struggling….i have had 3 obstructions and they always end up in hospital, on morphine and intensive care with a drip in the arm….very very painful, your abdomen blows up like a watermelon as the food backs up and can't get through the obstruction….i would suggest...
  11. AJC - Australia

    Anti-MAP Therapy gave me my life back

    Again, Phil - I second what 7vNH says…i dont need the info, but i do need to say again that it was a brilliant job, well done………wish you could make some for hermon taylor himself, that would be ACE…..some footage of him in the lab etc….please, pretty please.
  12. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    I am understanding that MAP is very different to tuberculosis…one similarlity is obviously the name, but i think that is about it….i wouldnt worry too much about it….Hermon Taylor has tested it on mice, cows and it wont be long until we can get it I HOPE and it will WORK….stay positive crew.
  13. AJC - Australia

    Life Insurance

    i wonder…in australia, if you have super annuation - maybe that company that does the super would do life insurance? I looked into it recently for myself, as i was worried i was going to cark it, but no one would insure me and i dont have super. good luck…and another battle for the crohnies.
  14. AJC - Australia

    Remicade and swollen joints

    Hi everyone. I have been on Remicade for 8 years…it has been wonderful, took me from the depths of crohns back to somewhat normal health. Recently i have had a sore elbow, but i havent banged it on anything. I had a 'bursa' and had it x-rayed, but now several months later it almost feels like...
  15. AJC - Australia

    New to Remicade, how to know when working?

    took me 6 months to properly know it was working well…been on it for 8 years now and still well. yay!
  16. AJC - Australia

    Recently diagnosed and looking for advice and support

    Definitely worth checking the B12…..if you have had the terminal ilieum removed (which sounds like you have) then you wont absorb B12 like a normal person, it is the bit of the intestine that absorbs it. Most people, including me, have b12 every 3 months and will do forever more (unless of...
  17. AJC - Australia

    Anti-MAP Therapy gave me my life back

    hats off to you Phil for this very professional video production. well done.
  18. AJC - Australia

    Anti-MAP Therapy gave me my life back

    great news Phil!!! welld one you for searching out and finding Dr Borody and JHT….def, in my opinion, two professors who are on the path to cure. How are you feeling these days and are you still take the anti-map antibiotics? good luck you and everyone.
  19. AJC - Australia

    Modafinil for fatigue

    will take a while to get off the teeth grinding, from codeine. been there, done that. I need to look into this Modafinil stuff, never heard of it….anything beats redbull!
  20. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion and there is surely many of them being voiced here! If i owned Remicade or Humira and I was making several BILLION dollars a year out of it, i would want to protect my 'interests'. If a modern t-cell vaccine could potentially releive the disease state in...