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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. AJC - Australia

    Questions, fresh out of surgery

    I have had the surgery three times. i wouldnt let them feed you anything UNTIL you have farted…because farting again shows that your guts have woken up from the anaesthetic. If you eat food before your guts are awake you can get a 'paralytic ileus' - i have had one and it was NOT nice. Once...
  2. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    Hermon-Taylor's vaccine trial in COWS is going to be published soon, ie in 2014. Long story short, with mice: Conclusion: Highly effective at stimulating the immune system to eradicate/protect against MAP WITHOUT any adverse effect. Subsequent to this, a trial was carried out in cattle...
  3. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    google 'run for crohns just giving' to go to the page where you can support + donate to this inspiring cause. I would put the weblink on here but apparently that is not allowed on this forum.
  4. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    right on Malgrave! I am of the same mindset and doing everything I can with my 'reach' to get the news into the right hands…there are countless facebook pages devoted to crohns, crohns forums, associations, websites, blogs - i am pestering as many as I can! go hard! this was good watching too...
  5. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    posting this again, because I believe it is the best way for everyone on this thread to stay tuned to what Dr Hermon Taylor is doing….the page is run by his daughter (also a doctor) and I think we should all be sharing it with our 'facebook friends'...
  6. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    Ibligh, welcome to the land of the believers in MAP theory. I hope you have liked the facebook page….see the link higher up on this page, from me.. If the vaccine works it will prove irrefutably that MAP causes Crohn's... and that would lead to some very awkward questions being asked about...
  7. AJC - Australia

    T Cell VACCINE for Crohns

    thanks for the signature advice too David….added yours and the MAP one.
  8. AJC - Australia

    T Cell VACCINE for Crohns

    thanks David…I am basically saved via Remicade and a huge fan of Biologics. Off to have a look at Qu and SSI treatment. cheers
  9. AJC - Australia

    T Cell VACCINE for Crohns

    Dr John Hermon-Taylor (England) has been working for 30+ years on the theory that Crohn's Disease is caused by an infectious agent…a bacteria. Myco Bacterium Paratuberculosis. (or MAP) He has developed a test which can test patients for the bacteria and he has gone on to develop a t-cell...
  10. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    I think this is a very worthy movement in Crohns….
  11. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    they are….a new website, the whole bit. paypal etc. coming soon!
  12. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    Lets not forget, all the gastros laughed off Dr Barry Marshall and Dr Robin Warren when they proposed that stomach ulcers were caused by a bacteria (Helicobacter pylori). I believe one of the doctors actually infected himself, got diagnosed with a stomach ulcer and cured himself before the...
  13. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    the good news is that Dr Hermon-Taylor has developed a clinical diagnostic test that can test people for MAP. He just needs funding. You can pledge and donate if you google his daughters justgiving webpage called 'run for crohns' …she is a doctor herself and she is running the London Marathon on...
  14. AJC - Australia


    sorry to hear that Lisa. especially after taking the big leap to have the surgery. I was VERY lucky that i wasnt 'squirting'. I think anyone with long term squirts will get a fissure…..and they are HORRIBLE. How are you going with your diet to try and minimise the quirts?
  15. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    Sorry Electrichead…. read again… some people have MAP, but dont get Crohns… healthy people. cheers
  16. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    Some people have MAP and dont get Crohns…….so, his vaccine works towards allowing someone with Crohns to get their immune system making the 'hunter cells' that can go and kill the MAP bacteria. People with crohns have an odd immune response to the bacteria i guess, while healthy people don't?
  17. AJC - Australia

    Prednisone and temporary insanity

    YES - horrible stuff…and addictive….but also life saving at times.
  18. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's Worth reading….from Australia. It is an antibiotic treatment heading to human trial in the US….backed by a company from Israel. This is not the same as the vaccine by Hermon-Taylor, but it is in the same genre ie MAP and...
  19. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    very good everyone!!! the next step here is to start this crowd sourcing campaign! I have been communicating with professor hermon-taylor and any relevant communication I will put on here, for now - but i hope soon we will be able to point people to a page with a short video and information...