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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Muppetgirl

    My current situation

    I hope the scan results are positive. Is the Dexa scan likely to be before the surgery? Yeah he should be able to come up with an alternative drug. I'd be interested to hear what he goes with. Thats something I want to look into as well. Yeah that's what I read: links to teeth motility and...
  2. Muppetgirl

    Worried, Need feedback!

    I second what DJW has said. Getting your head around surgery can be tough, but not much will be getting around the blockage without it. I may have read your post wrong but it sounds like you're saying you were not really aware there was something wrong until they found it? If this is the case it...
  3. Muppetgirl

    My current situation

    I'm glad that you got to speak with both. At least you did not start the alendronic and have the options taken away from you. It's really hard having to chose to privelege one health problem over another, but for what its worth I think it sounds sensible to pursue surgery given the pain you...
  4. Muppetgirl

    Extensive Crohns with very mild symptoms

    I have advanced endometriosis and have had several bowel surgeries to treat it. At it's height my symptoms were daily, not just associated with bleeds. I had major problems with D and frequency throughout. We have a least one other lady here who has also had a bowel resection for endo. It can't...
  5. Muppetgirl

    Starting out on nutritional supplements - recommendations

    I have been advised to start supplements. I am not getting enough nutrition from my (modified) diet and am continuing to loose weight. I've tried reading up on them but I feel a bit overwhelmed by the options. I was wondering what people would recommend as a good start? I don't mind whether...
  6. Muppetgirl

    Totally fed up.

    I'm sure they vary by area but they are usually multi-disciplinary, which allows them to come at the pain from as many angles as is necessary in each individual case. Most usefully in regards to surgical pain...they are led by anaesthetists who specialise in pain who prescribe the best range of...
  7. Muppetgirl

    My current situation

    Hmm...I find kidney pain awkward to identify because it can radiate in either direction...but generally about level with the crook in your side where an old fashioned waist would be. I find bladder pain doesn't radiate so is more in line with my hips but it might radiate for some. I hope it...
  8. Muppetgirl

    My current situation

    I was wondering if it was your liver, with all that you are going through, but it sounds lower than that. Bah I hope it leaves you alone soon whatever it is. Hot foot it to the docs if it gets worse though. Let us know how you get on.
  9. Muppetgirl

    Totally fed up.

    I hope that you do get some answers. If it is the same pain as before then I would think that increases the likelihood that the irritation at the surgery site is to blame. I appreciated an answer would be best but if they cannot give you one, perhaps it is worth considering a pain team referral...
  10. Muppetgirl

    My current situation

    I'm glad your appetite is a bit better. No good about the pain though. How low in your back is the pain? Do painkillers make any difference? I can understand why you would anticipate it just happening again, but I will cross my fingers that it does not. What does your IBD nurse think? Thank...
  11. Muppetgirl

    Back issues?

    Back pain can have a lot of causes, particularly in women. It is generally a case of narrowing it down. I had spasm like back pain for years, most obviously following stomach crunches. I'd assumed it was muscular but it turned out to be internal pain radiating outwards from where my organs were...
  12. Muppetgirl

    My current situation

    Hi Valleys, how are you feeling now? Are you managing to eat anything or manage fluids at least. Sorry I haven't been around much, haven't been doing great either. Do contact your team if things are getting worse. :hug:
  13. Muppetgirl

    Getting either colostomy or ileostomy - Many Questions

    Sorry you are facing a very big op. DJW has given you some great advice. Re the clothes issue, it can be quite an individual thing. Generally with abdominal surgery I find nightshirts work best while still in hospital. I prefer PJ's normally but I find that they rub against the incision(s). With...
  14. Muppetgirl

    Pain in the bladder??

    You should definately get this checked. As you say this may be caused by your bowel. Therefore it might not be your bladder at all. You don't mention any urinary symptoms? I'm guessing you're male...Without a womb in the way sometimes unusual relationships form between bladder and bowel. But...
  15. Muppetgirl

    MRI Drink Causes D?

    I had bad D following an oral contrast. I'd had a full bowel prep just before (what fun hey ;)) so I don't know if that made the reaction worse but it was bad for 2-3 days and lasted a week in all.
  16. Muppetgirl

    My current situation

    That is great that you found the missing link. And it hasn't affected your relationship with her. Sounds as though she would have been willing to explain her rationale anyhow. Seems like she is keeping an eye on a lot for you. Is fibro rountinely managed by the GP? Hope its helpful next time you...
  17. Muppetgirl

    My current situation

    I hope you are feeling a bit better since your colonoscopy. I'm glad you have such a thoughtful boyfriend! Re the meds issue for your fibro. You are quite right that prozac and its SSRI cousins are not related to amytriptiline (aside from being classed in the wider group of antidepressants of...
  18. Muppetgirl

    Support for Fozheart

    That sounds awful. I'm sorry you had such a miserable night. I'm glad you got checked out but sad that it was a negative experience. Did they say why they did not contact GI? I'm glad you still have some instruments to play and somewhere to play them. It sounds like a lot of fun to be had with it!
  19. Muppetgirl

    My current situation

    I'm sorry you are having a lot of pain. Keep taking it easy, it has only been a few days after all. I'm glad that the 6mp is still an option for you in the future. Sending lots of well wishes your way.
  20. Muppetgirl

    Post op belly bulge

    Hi mimi, what a traumatic time you have had. If the changes bother you then it matters. Esp when you are young. I have had long term changes. One side of my abdomen sticks out more than the other :(. I had a uterine mass (unrelated to my endometriosis) that originally caused it to stick out...