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  1. Muppetgirl

    How long until passing gas after surgery?

    Excellent news. I hope your recovery can get underway properly now.
  2. Muppetgirl

    Bleeding - scar tissue / joins?

    Oh they took it out, had no problem seeing it once they opened me up. Tbh I have different sources of pain, sometimes I can tell which is which, sometimes not. Adhesions have caused me visceral pain from them yanking / kinking unaturally on the organs they are linking, so I find pks help, like...
  3. Muppetgirl

    Open ulcers under wafer finally healed!

    Woo hoo! :thumleft: Great they have cleared up. You deserve some good fortune. You must have gotten friendly with those nurses lol.
  4. Muppetgirl

    Im having another surgery need help figureing out what to do??

    Yeah its good to have something that you enjoy to focus on, but if it involves tools take care! The book thing is hard to recommend. I think starting from lists like the one unxmas suggested is good. Or if you google 100 all time greats, then your bound to find something that appeals. I used...
  5. Muppetgirl

    Support for Fozheart

    Fozheart, I am glad you have a date for it. I hope things go bit more smoothly for you in the meantime. Please take it easy. That does seem strange they don't offer the dummy at all. Did the biopsy's show any light on things? It sounds like surgery would be seriously complicated but I'm glad...
  6. Muppetgirl

    Bleeding - scar tissue / joins?

    Thanks fozheart. I have pretty good pain control already. I think she just wanted me to look out for drastic changes, which might mean serious trouble. Do you mean adhesions not showing in scans? I've found scans pretty good at identifying problems in general. But on the adhesions front yeah...
  7. Muppetgirl

    How long until passing gas after surgery?

    Aw I know it sucks when you want to get home, but you are in the best place if there's still a chance they have to intervene. I hate going home only to have to return to the hospital a few days later. And you are making progress, even though you're not quite there yet. It sounds like they are...
  8. Muppetgirl

    Im having another surgery need help figureing out what to do??

    I'm sorry to hear what you have gone through and will be going through. Are there any films / tv shows you've always wanted to see but never got around to? There are some brilliant shows that I never would have seen if wasn't for all my surgeries. Same goes with books. Also if you have bedside...
  9. Muppetgirl

    Support for Fozheart

    So glad to hear they avoided surgery. I really hope the pillcam test works ok for you and gets you some answers. When is the pillcam test? Will you get the biopsy results at the same time? Please let us know how you get on. I'm sorry you are feeling rotten :hug:. I'm afraid I don't have much...
  10. Muppetgirl

    Fasting before liver scan

    I don't know what type of scan you're having but it's normal to fast for a liver MRI. I can't remember it I fasted for liver US's but I don't think I did. I hope that the scan is helpful.
  11. Muppetgirl

    Bleeding - scar tissue / joins?

    Thanks all. I spoke to doc over phone who said to monitor it and come in if it got out of control / severe pain. Sure enough it stopped after a few days like the time before. But the day it stopped bowel was in severe pain (only a few marks off when it gets fully obstructed). I am just bummed...
  12. Muppetgirl

    How long until passing gas after surgery?

    Sorry to hear that it is ileus. It is indeed no joke. I can still vividly remember the most painful night of it as if it were yesterday. That's a novel method you used to get things going! But I can understand you'll try anything when feeling like that. I'm so glad that things are waking up and...
  13. Muppetgirl

    How long until passing gas after surgery?

    It does sound on the long the side. What did the doc say? I didn't pass anything till day 8 post resection. I was in absolute agony by then. Turned out in my case it was ileus (sp?). That may be a possibility in your case but the docs treating you are best placed to tell you. Also was your...
  14. Muppetgirl

    Support for Fozheart

    Fozheart, I am so sorry to hear what you are going through right now :hug:. You have been through so much already. Fingers crossed they won't have to operate, I know they were trying to avoid that. But if it comes to it they will look after you and we will all support you too. You are a strong...
  15. Muppetgirl

    Help and advise

    Sorry to hear of the tough time you have had and that you are feeling down :hug:. Over on the surgery forum, there is a running thread for support for those with fistula(s) and other threads on the topic. I hope your upcoming consultations are helpful.
  16. Muppetgirl

    Bleeding - scar tissue / joins?

    Yesterday it was across several hours, worse when I went to the bathroom. Has continued today perhaps to a lesser extent. It doesn't resemble the more minor bleeding I had with lesions. Only been like this once, before. That time lasted days, but it was months ago, before I had the rest of my...
  17. Muppetgirl

    First resection

    Hi Emily and welcome. Sorry you have had a rough time of it over the 14 years. I had a resection lower down in the bowel. I like to use the 'run up' to get prepared: make the house super clean, buy myself new comfy nightwear, track down films, tv shows that I want to watch etc. Basically putting...
  18. Muppetgirl

    Bleeding - scar tissue / joins?

    Argh I have been bleeding out the back today. Bright red blood and when I went to the toilet watery red followed. It is manageble but significant - like a light period for the ladies out there. I am really confused. This has only happened to this extent once before, but that was before I had...
  19. Muppetgirl

    Lumps associated with crohn's?

    Hi and welcome. I'm not sure if you are male or female but a solid lump in the rectum can also be rectal endometriosis, especially if it's the anterior rectal wall. But I would say that with my history. I would think the options DJW and 2th fairy spoke of are more likely with your diagnosis. I...
  20. Muppetgirl

    Anyone have a stoma for RVF?

    I have no personal experience to offer but I hope things improve whatever your decision. I do however have a close friend who has a RVF post ileostomy. I'm not going to speak for her and others in the siutation. However, on a purely factual point, I know that sometimes output still goes the...