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  1. D

    Well I am back--Have Lots of Questions~~~

    Thanks everyone for all your comments! the thing I am confused about is the vomitting, we are now on day 6 of it. can imuran be contributing to this? This is new and really haven't see the vomitting like this, before it was almost always out the back end and really the only thing we have...
  2. D

    Well I am back--Have Lots of Questions~~~

    Hi Everyone, Well here I sit in between boughts of crying so please bear with me. First I have been here before and sorry I have been absent I guess part of me has/was been in denial that this isn't for real and guess I was trying to avoid this and not face it (big mistake BTW). Also this may...
  3. D

    5 Year Old Daughter w Crohns--Help--

    Gillian, Thank you very much, we are still in limbo as we are still very confused and even our doctors are confused as well. At first they thought Celiac and then Crohns. I do trust them, the source of confusion is her pathology report. There was damage all over the place and both diseases...
  4. D

    5 Year Old Daughter w Crohns--Help--

    Thanks everyone for all the words and advice. For now we are on level ground. We are trying to get a 2nd and/or 3rd opinion. She seems to be doing okay for now, but of course is on PRED, which we want to get her off ASAP. I am trying to get info on the SCD diet but for now we are sticking to...
  5. D

    5 Year old daughter w Crohns --HELP--

    Wow, thanks forthe great info and words It's kind of ironic we have the opposite but same screen name Your email almost brought me to tears. I will definitely be in touch. We are at the clinic in a ped gastro, first dr was at university and also a ped gastro but a very bad experience I...
  6. D

    5 Year old daughter w Crohns --HELP--

    Well if anyone knows who the guy is in Cleveland area please pass my info story on As Cleveland clinic is great, I am still a little cautious that we are jumping into imuran a little fast But, not sure what we r doing that is right because still feel we don't have the right diagnosis, the saga...
  7. D

    5 Year Old Daughter w Crohns--Help--

    Okay some more questions for Sunday--- is there a definitive test that points to IBD or Crohns? if so what is it called? My daughter has not had any blood in stools at any time and I know that is not a tell all requirement, I know everyone's case is different, it just seems like my daughter is...
  8. D

    5 Year old daughter w Crohns --HELP--

    No worry of that, I use a forum like this for something else and know how valuable it will/can be to me and my family.
  9. D

    5 Year Old Daughter w Crohns--Help--

    Dingbat--no worries, I put it back up there. Thanks for the heads up and Thanks Pen
  10. D

    5 Year old daughter w Crohns --HELP--

    5 Year old daughter w Crohns --HELP-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, thank goodness I found something like this. Second I will try to be concise and avoid rambling, but I guess its best to start at some background then the beginning...
  11. D

    5 Year Old Daughter w Crohns--Help--

    Wow, thanks for the quick replies. Mark, thanks for words and will definitely look forward to the discussions and conversations we will have. Pen, I have many more questions, but being so late, I think I am pooped out (sorry for the pun :) Not sure if her bowels are narrowed, the vommitting...
  12. D

    5 Year Old Daughter w Crohns--Help--

    On advice of DEXKY, I am reposting this in this section as well, sorry for the duplicate thread... Thanks 5 Year old daughter w Crohns --HELP-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, thank goodness I found something like this. Second I will...