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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. lblair

    Azathioprine and cancer worries

    Hi Kev I also went toxic on that med but only after 4weeks!!! URGH!!!!! I'm recently a new Dx for me and along with a Gluten Allergic to I have had stomach issues for years and learn to deal with them for all these years. Just con;t to get sicker and low hemoglobin and iron. Just waiting to...
  2. lblair

    The prednisone dependent woes

    Hi I was stuck on 40mg and down to 15mg and go back on Tues to see if I can go down even more. It seems like when I decrease I have a flare up. Currently on no meds they stopped my Imruan I was only on that for 4 weeks to the day. Anemia I was told is normal I was very low and found out that I...
  3. lblair

    Body pain

    Hi Yes I do have body aches and pains. I'm currently having a flare up with the Crohn's it has been a week since I stopped Imuran. I had only been on it for a month. I was sick for about a week something was not right I could not keep anything down I was so tired. This was new because I was...
  4. lblair

    Bit worried that AZA isnt working.

    Hi I have been on AZA for 1 month today. And he also started me on a steriod 40mg currently down to 20mg on Fri I started having issues not sure from what I also have a Gluten allergic so I have cut that out of my diet. But I'm nausea and have been vomiting a couple times a day. So i talked...
  5. lblair

    Prednisone Effect?

    I'm also on this med its horrible I have never been on this amt I was started on 40 mg and tommorow I will be on 20mg I have been tapering off 5mg each week. I get the shakes and sweating at all times of the day its just awful I can say its helped stop the diarrhea My face is puffy and it just...
  6. lblair

    Does it irritate anyone else?

    I think that today just must be one of them days because I'm also having a hard day. Trying to decide why I have to start a food diary to see if I can figure it out because the stomach ache today and the cramps just about did me in. Newly Dx with Crohn's and a Gluten allergy to top it off!!!! I...
  7. lblair

    Imuran/Azathioprine/6-MP Support Group

    I'm new to Crohn's also at the same time Dx with a Gluten Allergic so much to take in. I'm currently on 200mg of Azathioprine and started it about 2 weeks ago along with 40mg of Prednisone I'm tapering off of that. I'm not seeing a difference or side effects still tired and still have joint...
  8. lblair

    New to crohn's...have questions

    I'm new to Crohn's too!!! And a Gluten Allergic Dx both at the same time. I currently on Prednisone started on 40mg and starting to tapper off of them on 25mg currently I also have been on Azathioprine 200mg for the Crohn's. I was also on Budesonide for 3 weeks after they discover the Small...