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  1. J

    Its been a really long time

    Yes thanks for the update and glad to hear things are going well💕🤗🎄
  2. J

    Heard from Doc today

    Hi CiC, glad to hear Olivia is doing better. I’ll keep praying for her. She sounds like such a strong and determined young lady! She is probably a lot like you. I’ve read all your posts but I don’t have as much experience and wisdom as a lot of the other parents so I don’t post as much...
  3. J

    Unknown (as yet) viral infection

    Well glad to hear your son is feeling better! Thanks for sharing your experience!💕
  4. J

    Heard from Doc today

    So happy for O!!🤗🤗🤗. Hope she does well at home with no complications. Keep us posted !💜💙❤️
  5. J

    Anybody on 2 biologics

    Sorry to hear Lucy is not feeling well. I have no experience with two biological but will be praying for her healing🤗
  6. J

    Heard from Doc today

    I am just catching up here, been on vacation the last few weeks. Poor Olivia has been through so much! I am so sorry to hear all she has endured😢. What a great mom and advocate you have been for her. I will keep you both in my prayers💕💕💕
  7. J

    Heard from Doc today

    Sorry spellcheck changed my positive to idiotically 🤨🥰
  8. J

    Heard from Doc today

    Sorry to hear she isn’t feeling well. You always seem to have such a good sense of humor about all this 🤗but really I hope she finds some answers after getting home and seeing GI. Send idiotically thoughts your way ❤️💜💙
  9. J

    3 for the price of 1.

    Sorry to hear this😢😢 Hope everything turns out ok ❤️💜💙
  10. J

    I'm New From The UK I Have Child With crohns

    Thank you for sharing your daughter’s story and welcome to the group! Glad she is doing so well❤️💜💙
  11. J

    Anybody on Stelara

    Happy Lucy is feeling better💕🤗 prayers for continued healing❤️💜💙
  12. J

    Heard from Doc today

    So happy to hear Entyvio was approved! It’s so hard to wait and wonder. Praying this brings healing for your daughter❤️💙💜
  13. J

    Question about vaccinations

    My son just received the meningococcal vaccine a couple weeks ago. It is not a live vaccine. He is on remicade and methotrexate.💜
  14. J

    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    If I remember I think 5mg/kg is the lowest dose. My son started at 8mg/kg every 4 weeks then moved to every 8 weeks and is doing well with that. I think there is room for adjustment with your son just keep at it with the docs because sometimes they want to “wait and see” how things are...
  15. J

    Platelets Low after 2 weeks on Imuran

    Recheck platelets are normal range at 333 so I’m not sure why they were low. So meds will stay the same for now😀
  16. J

    Platelets Low after 2 weeks on Imuran

    Yes first time with low platelets so hoping the recheck is good. Keep me posted and I’ll do the same🤗
  17. J

    Platelets Low after 2 weeks on Imuran

    My son is on remicade and methotrexate and last labs show platelets at 100. They have never been low so he too just had labs yesterday to recheck . Doctor said if they are still low he will have to stop the methotrexate. He’s been on both since 9/2017. BoyMama let me know how your son’s...
  18. J


    Sorry to hear your daughter has shingles 😥. Hopefully she will be feeling better soon and get back on her meds. Take care🤗❤️💜💙
  19. J

    Serum sickness remicade?

    Has anyone heard of serum sickness with remicade? My son has been having headaches,about one or two per month associated with nausea and noise sensitivity. They usually last around 8 hours or so and then gone. I give him Tylenol with no relief, ice, essential oil to neck. I sent a message...
  20. J

    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    Welcome Jo-Mom💕 my son is 12, he wa diagnosed with crohns age 9 and juvenile spondyloarthritis age 10. He started on 6 mp initially then switched to remicade and methotrexate because of the JSpA diagnosis. After the crohns diagnosis he continued to have elevated sed rate and joint pains for...