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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. B

    What meds do you take?

    Hi, I was just wondering what meds you all take? I take steroids (predinislone), antibiotics (ciprofloxacin and another), 5 ASAs (pentasa), iron (sytron), folic acid, pain killers (paracetamol) and I'm being put on immunosuppressants (azathioprine) I am also on fortisip and pideasure nutrition...
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    Update and diagnosis!

    Hi, so finally after a year I have been diagnosed with severe Crohn's disease. I ended up having a colonoscopy and and upper endoscopy. The upper endoscopy showed nothing but the colonoscopy showed severe inflammation and redness and ulcers. I am currently in hospital because they wouldn't let...
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    Hi, ive been given picolax bowel prep. I really really recommend it. It tastes really good like fizzy orange soda and would drink it daily if it didnt make me poop. If your having bowel prep ask ur doctor for this. I think its other name is picoprep but not sure
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    Bowel prep?

    Which one did u have?
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    Bowel prep day!

    Hi, so it my bowl prep day. Ive made this post to keep you informed on how i go. So ive had a 60ml bottle of senna. It wasnt that bad but not good either. I have had some toast. (Im allowed breakfast and chicken for lunch, then no more solid foods) I been to the toilet once and used wet wipes...
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    Bowel prep?

    Hi, so tomorrow im taking my bowel prep. Am i allowed to drink blackcurrent juice or blackcurrent cordial or is it not allowed
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    Sore throat and colonoscopy?

    can you still have a colonoscopy if you have a sore throat???
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    She hasnt been diagnosed yet but they are sure its IBD and she is now taking nutrience drinks to help her gain weight. But about her height she is never going to be massive because her dad is short and her grandmother is under 5 foot so shortness runs in the family. Also the dietiton said once...
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    Oh also she is quite short for her age she is 127.1cm tall
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    So as well as me having crohns my daughter also has it. I am quite worried about her she is 12 years old and weighs 19.32 kg is that underweight for a 12 year old?
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    Flavoured water?

    Hi, so I have brought this filter bottle to make flavoured water. What you do is but the fruit into the little compartment and fill it with water and the juice and stuff from the fruit turns the water flavoured. I was just wondering which fruit to use as I have heard lemon and lime juice is very...
  12. B

    Which is the best bowel prep?

    Hi, so im having a colonoscopy on friday and i have to take bowel prep the day before ive been given picolax and a bottle of something (not sure what type it is). Is picolax alright or is it horribe and what does it taste like im soo worried? Which do you think is the best bowel prep including...
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    Colonscopy question?

    No i dont think they know i will keep u posted xx
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    Nutricia Fortisip?

    Has anyone tryed the nutrience drink called fortisip for crohns and malnutrition?
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    Nutrients drinks?

    I have fortisip the strawbery ones are best and they seem to be doing ok with only a bit of a rectiom to the milk
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    Hi, im having a colonoscopy on the 29th so there is probably nothing i can do and ive had 3 blood tests and 2 of them show im anemic and show inflamation.
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    Help! So im getting an awful amount of mucus in my poo. Sometimes i get it mixed with my diareeha bc i never have normal stools anymore. And sometimes i simply pass alot of mucus. Its a bit brown sometimes because of the stool and ocaissianly i get blood in my mucus but thats happend anout five...
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    Colonscopy question?

    So im having a colonoscopy on the 29th and im a bit worried cos i have a anal tear and a lump on my bum, my question is can they still do a colonoscopy because of the tear and lump?
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    What can and can't you eat?

    Hi, so I've started this thread just out of interest. I know everyone is different but yeah. My list of safe foods are: MEAT: chicken (grilled or oven cooked), turkey and turkey mince (literally live off that), salmon (also live off that) VEG: carrots if they are very well cooked and soft...