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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. dave13

    Seton stitch

    I have draining setons,two of them. I use 4x4 gauze pads for drainage. If the drainage is not to heavy I open the pads(they are four ply) and cut them in half,gives me twice as many pads.
  2. dave13

    Those strange spooky noises...

    I have two dogs and they react differently when I flare. They both give me the squirrelly look when my guts start to gurgle,doing the cute head tilting thing. When gurgle goes to obstruction/adhesion my 12 year old shepherd girl stays with me. Her brother just gives me a look that asks 'why are...
  3. dave13

    Remicade Club Support Group

    Hi Hobbits. I have been on Remicade for four and a half years. My insurance offered at home infusions. My GI was against it. The reason was,in my case,I live 30+ minutes away from the nearest hospital. If there was an issue it would take 30 minutes to get to me and the same to get back to the...
  4. dave13

    How many Crohn's related surgeries have you had?

    I have had three:an emergency bowel resection(my introduction to crohn's),an inguinal hernia operation and a fistulotomy/seton placement. All in a seven month stretch. Operation free for four years now! Hospital stays,yes,but no 'procedures'. :-)
  5. dave13

    New to the forum - Hey everyone!

    Welcome to the Forum. Sorry to hear about your insurance issues. It is something many of us share here in the good 'ol U,S of A. Do you have a good rapport with your doctor? Having a doctor call the insurance company and explain why a test is needed before it is done may help. Not always,but it...
  6. dave13

    S'up? - New guy here

    Welcome to the forum. I have infusions as well,July was the four year mark for me. I hope the infusions continue to go smoothly for you. My next infusion is next week,the day before my birthday. :dance: chin up and good luck to you as well.
  7. dave13

    SCD/Paleo/GAPS Support Group

    When I follow the SCD I feel my best. I have followed it for three plus years...and have strayed from time to time. That is how I know it works,right? I have found when I am vigilant with my diet I am better able to tolerate the occasional cheat. Go figure.
  8. dave13

    Remicade Club Support Group

    Hello. The program is now called Janssen Carepath Savings Program. I must say I have had a difficult time dealing with this program the last four years. They were friendly but not helpful. I would follow their instructions,jump through the hoops and nothing ever got accomplished. My...
  9. dave13

    I just got diagnosed

    "No two people's Crohn's are exactly the same. What works great for most or some patients might fail miserably for others. The trick is to get your disease under control and find the right combination of drugs, diet, and lifestyle that permits you to live a more or less normal life and...
  10. dave13

    Remicade Club Support Group

    Gram214 How did your infusion go? Yes,fatigue is a big factor for me. My first infusion was July 2014. I find when I am at the end the cycle(makes sense)I am the most fatigued. I seem to have periods of doing fine and all of a sudden I hit a wall. Energy gone. I find I am done in by early...
  11. dave13

    Recently diagnosed :(

    I find the fatigue to be most annoying. I use a D supplement that helps.
  12. dave13

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    I agree with cmack. Give it a go but listen to your body. Seven weeks is not that long post surgery. Here is a support group that may help. We want to be active when we can,it does help.
  13. dave13

    I've had Crohn's disease for 6 months

    Welcome! Have you checked out teen support groups? Your post is great,telling it like it is. Continue to do well.
  14. dave13


    Wow. Yeah,we are here for each other. Definitely use the Forum and what it has to offer. Your experiences may help others.
  15. dave13

    Waiting for Official Diagnosis

    Constipation has never been a problem for me. I swear I can smell a cup of coffee and it will give me the urge to go. How did the colonoscopy go?
  16. dave13

    Steton stitch questions - new to this

    Yeah,getting use to the knots is,ummm,challenging. Who would of thought such small knots would be felt. It is a rather sensitive area at the best of times,never mind setons. I am on the side of communication is a good thing. Do we want to be a nuisance,no. Searching for answers is not being a...
  17. dave13

    Steton stitch questions - new to this

    You can not go into too much detail,in my opinion,when talking about IBD. Feel comfortable and describe accurately what you are going through. Yeah,notes between visits help. Not that this has happened to me but don't forget to take the notes to your next appointment. :duh: Yes,setons are a...
  18. dave13

    Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

    Sorry,that was an emotional,not factual,rant.
  19. dave13

    Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

    My GI is on board with cannabis as a treatment. He told me he read papers where colitis patience were helped and is fine with me using cannabis. I will try not to rant,but,cannabis is like diet to mainstream medical. They are not willing to concede that it my opinion.
  20. dave13

    Steton stitch questions - new to this

    Yes,glad the pain is better. I hope the appointment went well.