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  1. KayleighMeek

    I am very confused

    Hello sorry to hear you are having a tough time. Was the last scope you had 7 years ago? Even if the last scope was clear it could mean that you are no longer in remission and are h having a flare. The symptoms you are having now have you had them before? I would agree with what the dr...
  2. KayleighMeek

    Thought it was a skin tag could it have been an abscess/cyst?

    Thank you for the replies. Ams so sorry that your son has gone through so much at such a young age I hope you get the answers needed to make this better for him. I really have no idea what is going on at the moment but waiting to hear back from the GI and see if they have any ideas. It sounds...
  3. KayleighMeek

    Thought it was a skin tag could it have been an abscess/cyst?

    It didn't have much colour to it a tiny but orange/yellow but only very slight. I have been having pain on and off for a long time but I hadn't noticed that it has got any worse.
  4. KayleighMeek

    Thought it was a skin tag could it have been an abscess/cyst?

    Warnings in advance but this isn't the nicest thing but I guess a lot of you have been through something similar. I have had to wear a pad for some time now as I have had slight leaking most of the time and more so after BM's. I have fissures and a lot of very large skin tags which makes it...
  5. KayleighMeek

    Humira in the UK

    I have been on remicade and humira before and was never told I would have to come off them after a year I was under the impression from my dr it would be indefinite or until the drug failed it must be different in each hospital. Could funding for GI departments in other hospital limit the...
  6. KayleighMeek

    Does anyone take 6MP and a Immun Blocker?

    I am on methotrexate and cimzia at the moment but trying to come off methotrexate to try and start a family, otherwise I would stick with both. I am hoping once i have started my family I can add the methotrexate back in to have a bit more control. It has worked ok for me I have had ups and...
  7. KayleighMeek

    Undiagnosed-but have all the symptoms

    It's sounds like a good idea to get seen sooner if the blood is increasing. Sometimes I find I am worse first thing in the morning as any food that survived for the day before has made its way through and can make me spend a long time in the bathroom. Try not to worry yourself to much, easier...
  8. KayleighMeek

    Undiagnosed-but have all the symptoms

    It could be something like a fissure which can be painful and bleed before/after a BM or haemorrhoids, these are the usual causes for bright red blood but you should always get it checked out and find out what is the cause. Hope the Drs appointment goes well and they can get this sorted for you.
  9. KayleighMeek

    Undiagnosed-but have all the symptoms

    Hi, Seeing blood can be really worrying is it a lot of blood? Is it dark or light red? I would say the appointment on Friday would probably be ok but if you start to feel worse see if you can get an urgent appointment.
  10. KayleighMeek

    Next stop: Imuran

    Sorry you have been having a tough time recently sounds like a good plan you and your GI have, you shouldn't have to put up with feeling that way. I didn't have success with imuran but a lot of people on this forum have hopefully someone will be along soon with more experience of this drug...
  11. KayleighMeek

    High calorie and bland foods...

    Smooth peanut butter is great for adding calories aslong as you can tolerate it. When I flare I have a lot of mashed potato not very exciting but you can add butter to give you a few more calories.
  12. KayleighMeek

    Worst flare yet

    I always think how strange it is one flare can be so different from another I find that not one of mine has been the same. I hope you can get started with the humira soon and it works quickly for you x
  13. KayleighMeek

    Azathioprine advise needed please!

    It might be worth mentioning it at your next GI appointment a lot of people of joint/muscle pain along with crohns and they might want to look into it a bit more. I was sent to a rheumatologist who diagnosed me with enteropathic arthritis with most people the joint pain settles once the bowel...
  14. KayleighMeek

    Pregnancy & Steroid questions

    I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through I don't have any advice but just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and hope everything goes well for you. Im sure the Drs will be able to put your mind more at ease about the procedure x
  15. KayleighMeek

    Azathioprine advise needed please!

    Do you have pain when your knees crunch or grind?
  16. KayleighMeek

    Azathioprine advise needed please!

    As noob said above it may just be a bug. I have caught countless bugs the past few weeks and just as I think I am getting over one another starts. When it is a bad but it can make me have slight crohns symptoms but it settles down after a few days with whatever it is I have had. If you get worse...
  17. KayleighMeek

    Feeling tired and a bit sad

    I would like to have a child of my own if it is possible, sounds selfish but that's what I want to try first. We have friends who were not able to able to have children and tried everything, they are now going through the adoption process but it has taken them well over a year and they still...
  18. KayleighMeek

    Feeling tired and a bit sad

    Thank you this site is really good I was looking at it earlier. I will look into it some more tomorrow and get myself more familiar with this option. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day pain is still bad but I am off to try and get some sleep but don't know how successful I will be. Thank...
  19. KayleighMeek

    Feeling tired and a bit sad

    It's something I would consider trying I have been looking and there are places online in the uk, you have to provide a letter from the GP or specialist but I don't feel comfortable doing something over the Internet. I will bring it up at the next appointment I go to and see what they know about it.
  20. KayleighMeek

    Feeling tired and a bit sad

    No I have never tried ldn I don't even know if any of my Drs would prescribe it for me. I have read up a bit about it and it is interesting. Have you tried it Ngng?