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  1. J

    GI in Ohio willing to prescribe?

    Hi Tracie, First off, check out our Doctor Directory if you haven't done so already, as you may find someone promising in your area. Secondly, Remicade may be somewhat scary, but it has worked wonders for many people, and your son's doctor is probably not wrong to consider this an aggressive...
  2. J

    Rights to LDN in IBD Acquired - Low Dose Naltrexone Phase III Trial Possible

    I was wondering about this... TNI BioTech had previously acquired the rights to LDN for a host of other diseases and disorders, but IBD was conspicuously absent. Looking forward to the Phase III trial, whenever it happens.
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    Phase III Low Dose Naltrexone Trial Possible

    I think this warrants the use of a dancing emoticon. :dance:
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    New York Times spotlights new CCFA awareness campaign

    Pretty cool, check it out!
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    A question for LDN users -- just curious

    I hear you, and I agree. I do take a few supplements as described in my signature, and I also keep myself active (walk or bike to work every day, spin class at least once per week), and I try to eat relatively healthy. I eat better than I did pre-diagnosis, that's for sure. On the other hand...
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    A question for LDN users -- just curious

    You can choose multiple answers in this poll.
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    A question for LDN users -- just curious

    I'm under the impression that many of those of you who have taken LDN have done a lot of research in general on IBD, and I suspect that many of you use LDN in combination with some other sort of therapy/medication/diet. What I'm wondering is this: Is there anyone out there who's taking LDN to...
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    Mrs. C. -- you have PLENTY of options as far as other treatments. Aside from diet changes, supplements, and alternative therapies, there are other medications out there that go beyond 5-ASAs (Pentasa, sulfasalazine, etc.) and corticosteroids (Entocort, prednisone, etc.). Immunosuppresants are...
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    LDN - No vivid dreams?

    Totally understandable. I was concerned initially because of the timing of stopping Humira with the development of abscesses, but it sounds like you've thought this through quite a bit. I will say that LDN takes a while to "kick in" for most people, so give it time if you can. What natural...
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    LDN - No vivid dreams?

    Quick question for you Sarah: Did Humira start losing it's efficacy at some point? Or were you just tired of taking it?
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    LDN - No vivid dreams?

    I had a couple, but they went away pretty quickly. Nothing memorable as of late. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Keep us posted on how you're doing!
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    Missing LDN doses- what happened?

    I take mine at night, and that seems to be the general consensus as far as when to take it. I haven't missed a dose yet (I don't think), but that may be because I've only been on it for about a month so far. I will say that I have missed doses of other meds on occasion (like Pentasa, or...
  13. J

    Bringing up LDN therapy to my GI for the first time.

    Nice!! Definitely keep us posted as well!
  14. J

    Ldn info please!

    Reading that back, perhaps the 10mg is referring to Prednisone (while on LDN)?
  15. J

    Ldn info please!

    Hey there Zootini! LDN seems to work well for many, although it takes time for it to have an effect. There are a couple of things to keep in mind: 1. Here in the U.S., LDN is not considered "standard of care" by many gastroenterologists; they can prescribe it off-patent, but many are...
  16. J

    Lack of genetic markers in Asian crohn's disease.

    The more I read about studies like these, the more I think we are dealing with numerous diseases with different causes, with CD being used as an umbrella term. Super interesting stuff -- thanks for the share!
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    Bringing up LDN therapy to my GI for the first time.

    If you're prone to all sorts of insane side-effects from various medications, you could point to the preliminary studies that indicate a very low side-effect profile for LDN, although I'm not sure how much that will sway things. I understand that your doctor probably wants to get things under...
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    Starting LDN!

    Hey there Avw! Thus far things have been working out well for me, but I'm still less than two weeks in, and I was doing pretty OK to begin with. I would like to say that I'm doing better, but I'm not sure if that's just because I was in a good place to start with, and I don't want to jinx it...
  19. J

    Started LDN yesterday!

    I have to say, I went to bed last night immediately after watching two episodes of The Walking Dead back-to-back. No nightmares, thankfully! :p
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    Started LDN yesterday!

    It seems like a lot of people are hopping on LDN around the same time (myself included) -- very cool! Should be interesting to compare notes in the next few months. Woohoo! :D